Happy Birthday, Mr. Cullen

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Carrots? Has anyone seen any carrots? The plot bunny attacked and well, you all are going to reap the benefits. NEW STORY! I've been writing some pretty heavy stuff lately and well, I'm going to lighten it up a bit. It's not going to be a humorous story (though there will be some funny bits) but it will be romantic. Some drama...some light angst (there needs to be some sort of conflict or it wouldn't be worth reading, kids).

Additionally, I want to address a few issues. First off, I want to thank my readers from Brazil who have pointed out some errors on my part. I did not know that when addressing someone, the tilde (~) was not used in saying senhor or senhora. I did learn how to add it to the 'n' by using ALT + 164 on the number lock (in case you were wondering). Also, I never meant to offend anyone with the monkeys and chickens comment with the ER (stated several chapters back). It was meant to be a tongue in cheek comment, not an actual fact. My biggest fear is to go to the hospital when I'm away from home. In fact, I did several years ago in Portland. I hated it because I had to go over my entire history since they didn't have it on file (like they would at my hospital). I didn't see a doctor that I was familiar with and let's not get started on the billing...GAH! Bella has inherited my same fear and she uses her snark to try to bring that across. Her snarky comment offended some and I do apologize but it was not intended to be prejudicial or offensive, but funny.

Thanks to vampirekissrocks for their awesome review. You know what you did and you made me smile ;-)

Chapter Nine: Happy Birthday, Mr. Cullen


"Alice, I need your help," I said as I sat down next to her by the pool. She was hiding behind a pair of obnoxiously large sunglasses.

"With what?" she asked, smiling crookedly. "And why should I help you? You ruined my Alexander McQueen shorts."

"Because you love me," I said, batting my eyelashes at her. "And you want to make your brother happy."

"Aw, hell," she grumbled. "You go and pull the brother card."

"Alice, it's his birthday tomorrow and I want to make it special. He told me yesterday that he didn't really have anything to live for and he never celebrated his birthday. So, I want to make it extra special to prove to him that he's got so much to live for and enjoy," I said fervently.

"Put a bow around your body and call it a day," Alice snickered. I smacked her. "OW! Bitch, hitting me is not going to get me to help you."

"I'm pretty certain that Edward doesn't want me objectifying myself for his birthday," I said flatly. "He planned this incredibly romantic date for us in Rio and I want to do the same here on Isle Esme."

"What have you got so far?" Alice asked as she pushed her sunglasses up.

"Um, nothing?" I giggled. "I'd love to spend the day with him and spoil him rotten. Mr. Workaholic is working..."

Alice held up her finger and pulled out her phone. Pressing a button, she placed the phone on her knee. "Hello?"

"Hi, Mom," Alice said. "You know tomorrow's Edward's birthday."

"Yes, dear. I definitely know this. I went through twenty-two hours of labor with him," Esme quipped. "He was such a difficult baby to push out."

"Ugh, Mom," Alice snorted, wrinkling her nose. "Anyhow, Bella wants to do something special for him."

"Really?" Esme asked her smile evident.

"I do, Mrs. Cullen," I said into the phone. "But he's working..."

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