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Carrots? Has anyone seen any carrots? The plot bunny attacked and well, you all are going to reap the benefits. NEW STORY! I've been writing some pretty heavy stuff lately and well, I'm going to lighten it up a bit. It's not going to be a humorous story (though there will be some funny bits) but it will be romantic. Some drama...some light angst (there needs to be some sort of conflict or it wouldn't be worth reading, kids).

Yeah, that isn't mine.

Up next will be the continuation of the lemon from this chapter, concert public sex, meeting the parents and leading up to Bella's birthday.

Chapter Eighteen: Confrontations


I desperately needed to get my girl home. After hanging out with her friends, I had to have her. It was nice to be social, but seeing Bella all covered up and not being able to take her when I wanted was not fun. I wanted to make love to her all of the time. Don't get me wrong, her friends were great. Ben was a kindred spirit. We bonded over our shared love of Tolkien, D&D and computers. Mike was a bit of a goofball. He tried to chime in with commentary about what Ben and I were talking about but he had no clue. Paul was awesome. He reminded me of Alice but taller and with a penis. The girls were all very nice but I was worried about her friend Becca. Jimmy seemed shady. Very shady and controlling and I didn't like him. At. All.

"Edward, you're scowling, baby," Bella said as she ran her fingers through my hair. "Why are you scowling?"

"Jimmy," I answered, shooting her a wary glance.

"Ah, yes," Bella said, frowning deeply. "I'm with you, Edward, but right now I want to go home and..." She leaned over, sliding her hand down my thigh before palming my cock. I let out a strangled groan. "We can talk about Jimmy later." She sat back and smirked. "The light's green, baby."

"Hmmm," I said as I pressed the gas pedal, driving toward Bella's apartment. In no time, we arrived at her complex. I parked the shiny blue Volvo and gallantly helped Bella out of the car. Once inside of the elevator, I caged her with my body. I leaned down, nuzzling her soft neck with my nose. "So beautiful," I murmured.

"So are you," she whispered, threading her hands into my hair.

At the lobby, the elevator doors opened and Omar slipped inside again. Cockblocker."Good evening, Omar," Bella said as she stood in front of me, wrapping my arms around her waist. Omar grunted, barely giving us a glance. I heard him mumble under his breath about Bella, calling her a whore in Spanish.

"What did you say?" I asked, my anger growing.

"Nothing, Mr. Cullen," Omar said snidely.

"I beg to differ, Omar. I distinctly heard you call my girlfriend a whore in Spanish," I snapped, stalking over to the security guard. Omar glared at me.

"Is what she is," he spat. Bella gasped, covering her face with her hands. "She fucks you and then goes out with that blonde man. Probably has another man on the side. She's a whore. Spreading her legs for the biggest cock."

"You just signed your release papers, buddy," I growled. The door opened and I pushed him out. "By tomorrow, you'll be fired." His eyes widened. The door began closing and I flipped him the bird. Bella's quiet sniffles filled the elevator. "Gorgeous girl," I cooed.

She turned and fell into my arms. Her tears soaked my shirt. I wanted to kill that ass for hurting Bella's feelings. She was not a whore. She was everything to me. Bending down, I swept her in my arms and carried my sobbing girl to her apartment. Clumsily, I opened the door, carrying her to the bedroom and laid her on the bed. I slipped off her shoes and did the same for me before gathering her in my arms. "You're so amazing, Bella," I whispered against her hair. "You're good and smart and beautiful and you took a broken man, made him whole. I love you, gorgeous girl. That will never change." She sobbed harder, gripping my shirt. "Omar will pay for what he said to you."

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