Let's Get it On

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Carrots? Has anyone seen any carrots? The plot bunny attacked and well, you all are going to reap the benefits. NEW STORY! I've been writing some pretty heavy stuff lately and well, I'm going to lighten it up a bit. It's not going to be a humorous story (though there will be some funny bits) but it will be romantic. Some drama...some light angst (there needs to be some sort of conflict or it wouldn't be worth reading, kids).

Yeah, that isn't mine.

They're going to boink in this chapter! YAY! Edward's going to meet Renee and Charlie along with Angela, Ben, Jessica, Mike, and Becca with her new boyfriend. No lie...the next chapter will be a bit smutty. They have a long-needed reunion.

Chapter Seventeen: Let's Get it On


"Dear God, Bella. You're so antsy," teased one of my co-workers, Paul. He was one of the few friends that I had in my section. Ironically enough, he was the one who initially said that there was something off about Tyler. The reason behind it was that Tyler apparently hit on Paul at the Christmas party last year or something.

Paul was gay and actually wore more makeup than me. He was a male version of Alice. I loved him.

"Sorry, Paul. Edward's coming in today and I'm anxious," I blushed. "I can't wait for him to get here."

"Bitch! Why didn't you tell me?" he squealed, clapping his hands. "Have you prepared?" He arched a perfectly sculpted brow.


"Waxed and made yourself beautiful?" he asked. "You better not have 70s porn bush going on with your twat, Swan."

"I've shaved," I replied, shifting uncomfortably. "I got a manicure and pedicure." I wiggled my fingers.

"Fuck, girl. What are we going to do with you?" Paul snickered. "I'm done for today. I submitted my copy to the editor. What about you?"

"I've been done since yesterday," I answered. "I'm off for the next few days." I gave him a sly grin. "If you know what I mean..."

"Girl, you're going to be walking funny," he snorted. "Come on, Bella. Let's get you sexified for your man. If he's going to be pounding into your pussy, he better not walk away with pube burn."

"What the hell is that?" I laughed.

"Men can give their partners beard burn," Paul said, grabbing my hand and rubbing it on his slightly stubbled face. "Pube burn is the same thing but down there. I'm due for a shave and you can get your cooter waxed. Do you have an outfit to greet him in?"

I gestured to the black dress pants and green sweater set. Underneath, I had some saucy underwear.

"Fuck, that won't do," Paul said, pulling me up from my chair. He handed me my purse and dragged me down to my car. My newly upgraded car. While on my road trip to Portland and back, someone rear ended me. My Toyota Corolla was totaled because it was a piece of shit. I rented a Volvo for the remainder of the trip. I liked it so much that I ended up buying one. A bright blue Volvo S60 with all of the bells and whistles. It was a total splurge but I loved it. The down payment was the gift from Tyler's great aunt Gertrude from our wedding. She practically disowned him for what he did to me. She sent me a card, along with an additional five grand upon my return from Isle Esme.

I got into my car and Paul settled himself in the passenger seat. "First stop, Frederick's of Hollywood," he said. "We need get you something that will make your man hard in less than three seconds. Then, we need a dress to put on top of it. If Edward is like any hot-blooded man, he'll want to fuck you as soon as he sees you. This pants nonsense is just that...nonsense."

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