Head Over Heels

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Carrots? Has anyone seen any carrots? The plot bunny attacked and well, you all are going to reap the benefits. NEW STORY! I've been writing some pretty heavy stuff lately and well, I'm going to lighten it up a bit. It's not going to be a humorous story (though there will be some funny bits) but it will be romantic. Some drama...some light angst (there needs to be some sort of conflict or it wouldn't be worth reading, kids).

As always, pics, teasers and other goodness will be posted on my blog. Thank you to recklessangel007 for the amazing banner! She took my idea and put it into pictures! Much love, sweets!

Chapter Four: Head over Heels


Did that hot brunette that came with my sister just fucking flip me? Over her body? That's, oddly, turning me on... Can we do it again?

I stayed on the sand as the sun slowly rose in the sky. It didn't hurt me, I think, but the shock that she had flipped my nearly 180 pound body over hers completely floored me. It wasn't until I started to hear the workers that I finally heaved my tired body off the beach. I went back to my villa to shower and wash off the evidence of my coupling with that cute little redhead that Rose cockblocked me from the day before.




Starts with an 'r.'

Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Let's talk like a pirate.

Fuck, I'm losing it. I really need to sleep more.

Fuck if I know...all I know is that she had a tight pussy and didn't scratch the hell out of my body as we fucked. But, I didn't enjoy it. I was getting tired of all of this. Despite my fear of getting hurt again, I wanted to let someone in. Seeing my sister forced that feeling. I wanted to open my heart to someone and feel whole again. The empty fucking and solitary existence of a bachelor was depressing me.

As odd as it sounds, I want to kiss someone. Not pressing my lips to another person's in nearly five years was really hitting me. When Zafrina tried to kiss me, I almost let her. But, I didn't want her lips on mine. I wanted to feel someone's lips that I cared about, caressing them, massaging them, loving them.

God, I'm turning into a pussy. Trying to get 'in-tune' with my emotions and now I'm Danielle Fucking Steele.

Raspberry (or whatever her name was) tried the entire time we were together to kiss me but I couldn't. She was another man's wife and if I kissed her, that meant I acknowledged her feelings. I didn't want the feelings from her. I wanted the feelings from another. Someone who will love me.

And not my family. I love them. I do. In their way, they love me in return even though I'm a douche. But, I could tell my behavior was embarrassing for my parents, not to mention highly unprofessional. My ethics professor would adore me right now. Sleeping with clients is not exactly high on the list of things 'to do' to run a successful business. I really need to stop this.


"Fuck," I grumbled as I turned. Slowly, mind you. Bella actually wrenched my back when she flipped me. The action of turning made that abundantly clear. "Yes, Emmett?"

"You look like an old lady with her walker, asshole," he chuckled, clapping his hand on my shoulder. I groaned. "Another rough night with Victoria?"

"God, no. I think I'm done with her," I said as I rubbed my right ass cheek where she bit me two days ago. "I don't want any more scars on my body from her teeth. But, the reason why I'm walking like a little old lady is because I got flipped on the beach by this hot brunette."

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