Chapter 5

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Spot's POV:

Rosie was right. She was right about everything. Aura did forget about me. She even forgot her real name. And this is all my fault. Because of me she lost her memories. Because of me our love is no more. I dropped the locket on the ground on purpose so it can help her regain some parts of her memories. My search is over but still I feel so far away from her.

"This time, this place misused, mistakes

Too long, too late, who was I to make you wait

Just one chance, just one breath

Just in case there's just one left

Cuz you know, you know, you know

That I love you

I've loved you all along

And I miss you

Been far away for far too long

I keep dreaming you'll be with me

And you'll never go

Stop breathing if you don't want to see me"

A series of flashbacks came to me like a flood rushing into a passageway. I remember the first time I taught her to use a slingshot. She came to Brooklyn and she had to defend herself like a Brooklyn Newsie would. I taught her how to fight. How to defend herself. She was the toughest out of all of us even tougher than some of my newsies. I even remember when Sarah brought her that dress. A short, long-sleeved red dress with some parts of it crocheted. I brought out the dress out of my closet and I started to dig my face in the fabric. Trying to remember everything of Aura.

"On my knees, I'll ask for one last dance

Cuz with you, I'd withstand

All of hell to hold your hand

I'd give it all, I'd give for us

Give anything, but I won't give up

I wanted, I wanted you to stay

Cuz I needed you, I need to hear you say

That I love you, I'd loved you all along

And I forgive you, for being far away for far too long

So keep breathing, cuz I'm not leaving you anymore

Believe it, hold on to me

And never let me go, keep breathing

Hold on to me and never let me go

Keep breathing, and never let me go"

"I found out you were there at her audition. Please tell me you didn't rush in and tried to get her to remember like that." She found out. She knows me all too well. "So what if I'se did. I'se just want her back in my arms quickly."

"I understand but people with this kind of condition takes a long time for them to regain their memories. My idea is to keep slowly introducing her things from her past like the locket and the dress that you're holding."

I've already left the locket back at Manhattan, just hope that stirs up some memories. I know I said it before but I'll say it again. I won't give up until Aura is back in Brooklyn and in my arms.

"Just look you love Aura so much. I know you do. Aura's the only person that ever gave you hope. I know that too because she also changed my life too but these things take time. A lot of time. And we're kind of in a time limit since she and Oscar are going to marry in a month."

"But what I'se did today she won't forgive. She forgot about me and it'll take a lot more than a necklace and a dress for her to remember." I said.

"I hear the hint that you're giving up and I won't take that. You're Spot Conlon, leader of the Brooklyn Newsies, you're tough and strong and you're not even scared to soak anyone even a Delancey."


"No buts just look me and Sarah will help you even the Manhattan Newsies will help you. Everyone's pitching in to help you." she said pointing at me. "It's time that you stop living in the past. I know you regret not being for her on that day. But that was the past and there's nothing we can do to change it. But we can shape our future. It's time we get you queen back."

I'se got to come up a nickname with her that involves wisdom because she's full of it. I never thought I say this but she just happens to be the key to my courage. And now since my courage has been opened up I'm not scared to get Aura back. I'm not even scared to soak Oscar (although I do still want to kill him). Maybe my dream of me and Aura getting married will come true.

Lydia's POV:

I was studying the locket when I came back home. The pigeon I helped rescue yesterday was cooing at me while I was studying the locket. "No I didn't tell Oscar about this. If he found out he would flip." I opened up the locket and there was a picture of Spot Conlon, the same boy that aggressively kissed me today, and to the side there were words engraved.

"Always in my heart." I had another flashback where it was very vague again. It was nothing but a hand accepting the same locket. Just this locket reminds me something. Something of my past.

"Dancing bears, painted wings

Things I almost remember

And a song someone sings

Once upon a december

Someone holds me safe and warm

Horses prance through a silver storm

Figures dancing gracefully

Across my memories"

Slowly I was being sucked into a world of lights and dancing. Everywhere around me felt like a memory. Soon as I started to twirl around my dress became the red dress I saw in a flashback. Girls were around me taking care of my dress and hair. That's when I realized those girls were Rosie and Sarah. I wonder why they're in here.

"Far away, long ago

Glowing dim as an ember

Things my heart used to know

Thing it yearns to remember

And a song someone sings

Once upon a december"

I saw Spot Conlon in my flashback too. I was soon dancing with him as I started to sing the last part of the song. (Again these songs just come to my mind when something interesting pops up in my head such as my long lost memories). He laid a kiss on my forehead and everything disintegrated when the music box stopped playing. The music box is also a clue to my past. Sarah gave it to me for my birthday and she told me something about it helping me out. I didn't know what she meant back then but I think I know.

I heard footsteps coming up, coming in my direction. I immediately grabbed the music box and locket and shoved it into a drawer. "Are you ready? First night sleeping with you." said Oscar as he came into my room. I know. I know. We're not even married ye and we're starting to sleep in the same bed. Only on special occasions such as today since I got into Medda's theater as a performer.

I grabbed his hand and let him lead the way to his bedroom. He soon put his other hand on my back and for the first time I felt uncomfortable. I didn't want to push it away. I didn't want him to see how uncomfortable I was. And throughout the night as I slept in his arms I felt a certain disdain and a certain euphoric feeling that maybe Spot and I needs to talk. That Spot Conlon has to do something with my past.

It seems like Lydia's starting to get the gist that her past is starting to slowly come back. Will she ever remember? And will Spot and Aura reunite?

Songs used in this chapter: Far away: Nickelback

Once Upon a December: Liz Callaway (From the movie Anastasia)

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