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Aura's POV:

"The only reason I made your wedding dress not as beautiful for when you were about to marry Oscar because back then that wasn't the boy you were supposed to be with." I loved the new wedding dress that Sarah made. It was far more beautiful than what I got before. Rosie was helping me with my hair and makeup. "I don't get it. You guys helped me to regain my memories even though it was going to be hard. Why?" I asked. "Why? We told you before. You're our friend and you've taught us so much and you've helped us so much it was time we help you."

Rosie clipped something on my hair and I saw that it was the barrette I had. My mother's barrette. I thought I lost it forever until I realized that I lent it to Rosie for the rally. "My barrette. You had it all this time?" I asked. "I had it since the rally. I forgot I had it this entire time. So you could say that you were with me all this time." she said. "I'm wondering what happened to Oscar and Morris. They're not gonna be out after me are they?" I asked. The last time I saw them was in Brooklyn the day after I regained my memories. "Don't worry they won't be bothering you anymore. Denton helped us with all the legal stuff. He told the court what happened and the jury found in favor of him and so the Delancey Brothers were sentenced to prison." That just assured me that no more. No more will I have to worry about them chasing after me.

"This is also another gift from Spot." Sarah gave me a folded up piece of paper and tears were brought to my eyes. It was the song that Spot sung to me. He said he didn't had it finished before but he finished it for me while I was gone. I felt the places where he scratched things off and where he wrote aggressively. This just shown his burning love for me. "Girls this has just been the best day for me." I said starting to cry. Rosie started to wipe away my tears reapplying more makeup. "Stop crying I just did your makeup." The doors opened and my father was there to lead me down the walkway.

I looked at my father one more time before he led me. "I'll always be your little girl just promise not to drop me." I said. "Not on my life." I saw Spot looking at me with stars in his eyes. I don't think he's never seen me this beautiful in his life. It was so quiet when the priest started the reception.

"I, Aurelia Smith." And keep in mind I just knew my last name when I was reunited with my parents. I lived my life not knowing my last name. "Take you, Spot Conlon, to be my husband. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish as long as we both shall live."

"I, Spot Conlon, take you, Aurelia Smith, to be my wife. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health,to love and to cherish as long as we both shall live."

I felt butterflies when the priest finally said you may kiss the bride. Everyone started to cheer, clap, and even throw flower petals at us. "I now pronounce you husband and wife." We walked down aisle smiling to each other. When we reached the end of the aisle we started running towards the venue spot for our pictures. Nothing could ruin this day. It seems like my fears have all disappeared. Everything that I was afraid. Everything that I was nervous of just all went away.

Spot picked me up and started twirling me around. He took me back to the lodging house where he had a honeymoon room just for us. It may not be much but it's the thought that counts. "So where will our adventures take us now?" he asked. "Just wait. We go wherever the wind takes us and whatever our hearts tell us."

A couple years later

It's been like at least 3 years after the wedding. I was sitting on a rocking chair holding my baby. You heard me right. My baby. I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Spot said she had everything of us. She had my eyes and she had his smile. Whenever Sophia wakes up she always smiles at us." I named her Sophia after my mother. She looked like my mother and Sophia is a pretty name so it suits her.

I visit my parents occasionally. They finally got a job that pays well and finally got a place of their own. I always love to visit their apartment. It reminds of the progress they made after they found me. It's like I've given them the hope and strength that was stolen away from them when they left me. Sophia started crying in my arms and I started to soothe her. "Did you have a bad dream? It's ok. I have bad dreams too. So does your father. But here's what I do to get away from the bad dreams. I close my eyes and think of all the good things that's happened in life. There's not always bad things in this world. This world also has good things. This world is full of light. And someday when you're old enough I'll tell you the story of how I overcame the darkness surrounding me and how I defeated all the bad people trying to break me down."

I looked up and saw that Spot came back from work. "Sophia was starting to miss her daddy."I smiled handing her to Spot. "She still has your eyes." he said. "And she has your smile." I added on. He looked at me with a worrisome look. "Spot if you're thinking about what happened before just let it go. It was never your fault. She'll know later on. She'll know of everything. I mean think about we have an heir to the throne. Soon she'll be taking over your job." I said.

"Maybe. When she gets older we'll tell her together." Spot held my hand as he started to kiss me. We've done everything together and in the end we came out stronger and more unified. Maybe I haven't lost everything on that night of my disappearance. Maybe it was still in me but Oscar kept blocking all means to make me remember my past. And I fought him. Most people aren't considered lucky whenever they face off Oscar. I think I could be the only one that's considered lucky along with Jack. I've never let anything go even when I forgot everything. And I want that to stay that way even if me and Spot will grow old and Sophia will grow up to be the beautiful girl that she is and succeed to the throne that's the way I want them to be. Everyone's got dreams but I already have my life planned out and I know Spot and all of my friends will help me achieve that goal. They'll help me no matter what. My friends make me stronger. Every moment I spend with them I gain strength, experience, and love. So people may think I'm having a cruddy life but they're wrong. I'm living the life I dreamed of. A life of adventure, love, and wonders.

Never Let GoOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant