Chapter 15

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Rosie's POV:

"I've tried everything but she refuses to take part in this anymore. It's like all of her fight has been robbed away. And I know the robber. She's gonna marry Oscar tomorrow and I've already failed my mission to Spot and to you guys. I'm so sorry." I said. I came to Aura's parents to spill the bad news and soon I'll be going to Spot to tell him I'll be leaving Brooklyn. I've failed my mission I can never show my face over there. Might as well move out the whole state. "I feared something like this would happen. Oscar is very sneaky." I brought out the music box and the barrette to return to them. At least let them have what's left of their daughter.

Aura's mom and dad acted like they saw this stuff before and tears started to come to their eyes. "Do these things look familiar to you?" I asked. "This was the barrette I left with her when I dropped her off at the orphanage." said Aura's mom. "And this was the music box I got for her mother on our anniversary." said Aura's dad. He started to wind it up and he started to cry a bit when the song started. "Where did you get these things?" he asked. "The music box I got for her long ago. I saw it lying around an alleyway. It was dirty and I cleaned it up and saw it was a music box. I thought Aura might've liked it and she did. The barrette she said she's had this ever since she was born."

That was when an idea came to mind. I don't care what Aura said I won't give up until she remembers and even though she's getting married tomorrow I can squeeze in enough time for this. The barrette, the music box, and the scrapbook she has before. She put her old pictures and just mementos of the strike, and old newspaper clippings, or anything interesting she considered. That has all the information of her past. Why didn't I think of this before. Combine all of the things of her past into one thing. But she refused to listen to me... But she will listen to Sarah. She didn't have an argument with her yet.

"I'm gonna need the barrette and the music box with me for one day. I just got an idea. Trust me. This has got to work if it doesn't then I can figure something else out." They handed the music box and barrette to me and her mom and dad grabbed my hands gently as if they were trying to give a prayer. "We trust you. Just bring our little girl home safely." said her mom. I swear every time I'm with them I get hope and good luck.

Lydia's POV:

Today's the big day. The day I marry sooner, the better. I want to forget everything of my past. But still I feel sad. Even on my wedding day I'm sad. "Sarah I imagined my wedding to be happy but I never thought i would be so sad on the happiest day of my life." I said hugging Sarah. "I know how it feels getting your heart broken. But I assure you it may not feel this way right now but it will get better. Life gets better." she said stroking my hair.

Oscar came in the room picking me up and spinning me around the room. Sarah tried to avoid eye contact with Oscar as he kept obsessing over me. But he also noticed how sad I was. "Are you still upset over what happened? I tried to warn you but you didn't listen and now you know that whenever light gets to Spot he destroys it. I'll meet you downstairs in ten minutes." he said rudely pushing past Sarah. Sarah came up to me with a little gift beside where I sitting on my bed. "A little wedding gift. It's gonna help you. Good luck to you. Come visit me and the boys whenever you come to New York if you do." she said.

I waited for her to leave so I can have my little moment to myself. I unfurled my hands and looked at the locket that Spot gave me. A tear fell on my hands and I threw the locket across the room hitting the wall and falling on a corner. I laid down on my bed closing my eyes trying to block out the bad memories. I looked to the side of me and saw the gift that Sarah left for me. I sat up and put the gift on my lap. I untied the ribbon and uncovered the lid and when I pushed past the wrapping paper I smiled to myself to see that she got my music box back and she also got me a barrette and a book. But this was no ordinary book it was filled with old pictures and stuff. I wound the music box on to get some music on and that was when something sparked in me. Something that I now just realized.

I looked at the barrette closely and saw that figure on it was a butterfly, I looked at my music box and saw that some of the gems on it were made to look like butterflies. I walked over to the locket and saw a tiny butterfly on it. I looked around and I remembered I put little butterfly decor on my walls. I had butterflies hanging on my ceiling around my bed. I looked at the cover of the book and there were butterflies on the book. Something about these butterflies are making me remember something. That was when I got it. It full on hit me. All of the blurriness from the flashbacks are starting to unblur the images more clearer.

I also received new memories too. The flashbacks I got were starting to be received again and this time they were clear. The very first flashback of me talking to a girl about whether some guy loves me or not. The girl I was talking to was Rosie. I remember her. She helped me a lot when I came to Brooklyn. I loved being with her so much I would do almost everything with her. And the second flashback that was me in the newsie rally. I remember it was so much fun until Synder blew the whistle and ratted all of us out. But still I remember on that day Sarah dolled me up and almost every newsie couldn't take their eyes off of me. That was also the time me and Spot almost kissed.

And I knew Les before. And David. I remember them so much. They were so much fun to talk to. Especially David. I knew him when I was a little kid when he used to go to school.I would always sneak out of the orphanage just to see him. We would go over to the park and just play tag and pretend we were in a fantasyland. He would be my prince charming and I would be his princess. I would climb on top of a tree and wait for him to come. I remember those days so much.

And Les was really something. He was so cute. I would try to spend every second with him and he would do the most cutest things to make me laugh. Like that time he said I looked beautiful on the day of the rally. And when the bulls and the goons raided the rally and chaos ensued I remember Spot and David pushing me, Les, and Sarah out the exit. I refused to leave them but they insisted I go. And Oscar, I knew something was strange with him. I remember so clearly on that day. It was a day after Jack became a scab Oscar and Morris was searching for trouble so they targeted Sarah and Les to get David and they did. David soon came to the rescue but it wasn't enough. I was walking past the alleyway until I saw Oscar and Morris soaking David. I ran to help and I begged so much for them to leave him looked at me and pinned me to the wall as began to rape me. Spot and Jack came to the rescue. For all of us.

So Oscar and Morris were bad things in my life and not Spot. And Spot. Whenever I thought of him I only got good memories. I remember them all. I remember me and him proclaiming his love to me at the same time on Teddy Roosevelt's carriage. That day was the best day of my life. He crowned me the queen of Brooklyn and on that night he showed me the riverview up on his throne. He sung to me and he gave me the locket.

The same locket that I have with me now. The song that I remember before. I remember it all. But there was one thing I'm still confused about. I remember looking up at a couple. They were so happy to see me. Were those my parents? All of the memories came flooding in me and that was when it snapped in me

I didn't get attacked by a drunk man that night. I was attacked by Oscar and Morris while I was on my way back to Brooklyn. I was visiting the Manhattan Newsies to check up on them. So everything I knew when I was with Oscar was a lie. My name isn't Lydia. It's Aurelia. I'm Aura. I'm the missing queen. I'm the queen of Brooklyn! And Spot Conlon is my one and only love!

Almost done with this fanfic. And finally she remembers! It was so much fun to write this chapter! Although it was hard to write the sad chapters. I get sad thinking of how she goes into depression and how much hurt she had to go through.

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