Chapter 10

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Spot's POV

She remembers. She's starting to remember. Maybe what I'm doing is right. She may think I let Aura go but she doesn't know that she is Aura. That she is the missing queen. It was so nice to see her in that dress again. To see her in that exact same hairstyle she had on when she went to the rally. To see her in that locket. To just kiss her and touch her again. It won't be long until she's back in my arms.

"Spot the dress is finished." Sarah accompanied by Jack and David brought the dress in my room and it was one of the most beautiful dress I've ever seen. Sarah knew how much she loved lace and gold trimmings so she put both in. "It's beautiful Sarah she would loved it if she was here with me all better." I said. I heard my voice starting to crack and I tried to keep it in but some tears started to fall on my face.

"Soon Spot. Soon. She's starting to regain her memories back but she told me they're blurry still and very vague. She might've already told you that last night. But I just want to let you know she's also trying hard to remember too. Not only does she want to go back to you but she also wants to find out about her family. She's trying the hardest she can." said Sarah.

Rosie soon burst in my room all in a rush. "Spot we got some bad news." I suddenly grabbed her shoulders and started shaking her. I just hope it wasn't about Aura or Oscar finding out about us last night because he's got eyes all around Manhattan. "Spill it Rosie."

"Aura soaked Morris. She tried to save Les. And after that it was all a blur. Well Morris didn't get to me. It just happened so fast. I bet he's gonna tell Oscar about this and Oscar's going to give Aura a worse soaking than what Morris had. She took Les and ran off. They're both in the church. I told them to hide in there until I got help."

This is bad. This is bad. But good at the same time too because I can see she got some her fighting spirit and courage in her. I'm glad that didn't go away. But the bad thing is when she goes back home Oscar's gonna soak her and I can't let him lay one finger on her. She's already expressed to me how she's starting to feel uncomfortable around him. And I have a feeling she's gonna be trapped in an abusive relationship with Oscar. I'se got to save her.

Lydia's POV:

It was just a normal day. It was after my rounds of singing on stage and I was starting to get back home until I saw Morris bullying a small newsie. I wanted to help but I'm not sure what Oscar would think if I did but when I looked at the small newsie's face more closely I realized that it was the boy in my flashback last night. The boy named Les. That was the one part in my flashback that wasn't blurry.

I rush over to Les and pick him up and stand in front of him trying to act tough. "Now I won't bear to see you or any of your goons beat up anymore of these newsies so you better come up with a damn good apology or else." I shouldn't have said or else. You see I haven't gotten along with Morris one bit. He always does things to make me mad. And he treats me like shit around the house. So you can say there's one good brother and one bad brother. Morris started to push me around demanding what I would do. I fell on the edge of the brick road still with Les in hand. "Or else what? C'mon say it you little slut." That was when I exploded.

I clenched my fist tightly and punched him in the face knocking him down. "That's for calling me a slut." I kicked him hard in the ribs. "That's for treating me like shit around the house." I grabbed Les and started running. I didn't know where I would run to for a hiding spot. Definitely not home or the theater those are the two places Oscar and Morris would find me. "Hey lady we can hide in there I know he won't catch us in here." I looked behind me and saw a nearby church and Morris with anger fuming out of him. "Let's go." I ran in the church and with one final bang of the door I knew we were safe. "Lydia wait till I tell Oscar and believe me he'll give you one helluva soaking!"

Never Let GoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora