Chapter 21

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Spot's POV:

When Rosie started fighting Morris I started fighting Oscar. "I am going to tear you to shreds!" I grabbed Oscar by the collar of his shirt. "Are we done playing games yet?" I swung a punch at Oscar and he caught my hand and kneed me in the gut. "What's really funny is that we're fighting once again?And it's over Aura again!" said Oscar. I slowly got up clutching my gut. "Really then who acted like garbage when you just tortured Aura for your pleasure." He caught my fist again and threw me to the ground. "Oh really. Don't you think it should be the other way around with you and your pathetic, dead girlfriend." I kicked him as hard as I can knocking him over and slowly rising up. No one. And I mean no one says that about Aura.

I tried fighting him but I guess the time with Aura made him stronger. He blocked most of my blows and managed to knock me over a a few times. I'm not who I used to be. My strength is giving way. He climbed on top of me and started delivering punches to my face. "You ruined my happy ending! It was supposed to be me and Aura. This will be a mistake that you'll live with for the rest of your life." I was starting to give up. Morris has Rosie pinned down and my newsies are far from me. I started remembering memories I had with Aura.

The time I first found her. The time I danced with her at the rally. The time we first kissed on Roosevelt's carriage. The time where I showed her the nighttime sky and that song. The memories of Aura gave me strength. I shouldn't be giving in. I should be fighting for her. Aura may or may not be dead but no matter what I have to fight for her. I promised to her and myself that I wouldn't let anything happen to her but I broke that promise I let her get soaked, I let her lose her memories. I won't let all my mistakes weaken me. I'll make them strengthen me to fight this one last battle. I caught his fist when he was about to punch me and turned him over.

The tables turned when I got up. I started retaliating back. I started fighting. Fighting for Aura. Jack and his newsies along with my newsies came. Jack and the walking mouth pulled me off of Oscar trying to hold me back. "Spot! Spot! Calm it! Just remember you'se have to go back to Aura." That's when it sparked in me. Aura. Where is she? "Spot the people I brought were her parents they took her back to their home. I'll show you." Rosie led me the way and I saw Aura on the couch with a wet rag to her forehead. "Will she be alright? She's not..." I stopped there fearing for the worst. "She's not dead. She'll probably wake up tomorrow hopefully. I just want to say to you thank you for protecting my daughter. Thank you for giving her the care we failed to give her." I'm guessing this must be her dad thanking me. I brushed his hand off my shoulder. "I don't need your sympathy. You were the one that left Aura in that orphanage where she had to face God knows what. Why? Why did you leave her?"

"The Delancey's were onto us about our child when her mother was pregnant we've heard a lot of things about them and we didn't want our daughter to share the same fate that other people have when encountering the Delancey Brothers. As soon as we got Aura we knew our joy was short lived. The Delancey's would've had someone spying on us and so we packed up everything we needed and moved over here in this alley. Everything started to quiet down for some time until Oscar came to us on the streets demanding the baby. We lied saying that the baby's dead. That it was stillborn when we got it. He saw through our lies and he promised that no matter what he would find our child. On that night we snuck out of Manhattan and into Brooklyn. We knew there was no way they could reach us there and we dropped her off in the nearest orphanage there."

I was shocked upon hearing this story. "So all this time. You haven't neglected her. You did that to protect her." Now I was the one that felt sorry. All of those days from the beginning when I met her I always thought that her parents were bad people. But now after hearing the true story I can see why they did what they did. I looked over at Aura and I put my hand on her forehead I slowly went down to her hand. I took in her scent praying that she would wake up soon. I leaned in over more closer and leaned my head into hers. "Oh Aura if only I saved you quicker than you wouldn't be like this. It would be great if you would just open your eyes and be alright because we're at your parents house. Well it's not much of a house but still your parents are here and they're not bad as you thought they were. What they did before was to protect you. If only you can just wake up soon and be alright."

I kissed her soft lips gently and continued leaning my head to hers. I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder once again. I looked at a lady I'm guessing to be her mom. "She's lucky to have a boy like you. You must really love her." she said. "She's my entire life. The day she escaped the orphanage was the day I met her. Her escape brought me to her and I'm grateful for that. I'm grateful that she came into my life." That night I slept on the side of the couch resting by Aura holding her hand. It was a long day for everyone but for Aura it was probably a more bumpier ride.

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