Chapter 7

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Lydia's POV:

It was thrilling to have my very own dressing room and to be able to sing the songs that come up in my head it's like I'm already living my own dream. That must be why everyone want to come to New York because they think their dreams will come true. In my opinion, any dream can come true. "Hey." I saw Rosie walking in my dressing room casually. "What are you doing here? You're not allowed back here. How did you sneak in?" I whispered. "You don't have to whisper it's fine. Medda lets me in the joint all the time. Me and her got connections. I'm here to help you recover some memories." she said.

"I'm literally about to go on soon can we do this later." I said. I resumed putting my makeup on as Rosie started talking. "Well we can keep talking while you're getting ready. Now let's start from the beginning what was the first thing you remember. Like at all."

"Well I don't remember much but the first thing I remember is waking up to Oscar and Morris staring at me. They told me they saved me. Well, mainly Oscar. He said he's always had eyes on me the first time he saw me on the streets." I said trying to apply blush.

"And who were you attacked by?"

"I was attacked by a drunken man in an alleyway. That's where they found me. So up to that point I started living with Oscar and Morris and soon we got engaged as you know. Well as everyone knows."

"You don't sound so happy about it."

"Can you keep a secret?" Rosie started to inch forward towards me making a sealing motion on her lips. "To tell you the truth over the past couple of weeks I've been getting uncomfortable with Oscar. How he touches me, how he looks at me, even how he kisses me. It almost scares me. And it only made it worse when I slept with him last night. I know I should be happy but I'm not."

(This is the part where I sort of/kind of made some sense out of me. Who can be happy when they're with Oscar?)

"You're on Lydia."

"Don't worry I'll still be here when you come back."

Time Lapse

"You sing beautifully. I know you must get that compliment a thousand times but let's make it a thousand and one times." said Rosie as we walked hand in hand back to my dressing room. When I walked in I saw a bouquet of roses sitting on my dresser. "Who sent me these?" I asked surprised. "There's no note. You think Oscar sent them." asked Rosie. "Oscar's at work how can he send over roses while he's at work. And besides flowers aren't mainly his thing he would normally send in jewelry as gifts to me."

"So after you met me and that sudden and weird meeting with Spot you started getting flashbacks?"

"I know it's weird but I think my flashbacks are telling me something. I think they're trying to tell me that I belong somewhere else. But they're very vague like the first one I had. It was just me and some other person talking about if some guy likes me."

"Who was this other person?" She was taking notes like she was some reporter. "I don't know. Memories are coming back but some parts of them are so blurry. The second one happened when I got entered the theater. I saw the newsie rally and strangely I was in it. I was in a red dress and the weird thing was I was dancing with someone that's not Oscar. Again I don't know who I was dancing was cuz his face was blurred."

"When you mean a red dress. Do you mean a dress that looked like this?" Rosie pulled out the exact same dress I imagined. "Where did you get this?" I asked feeling the fabric and twirling around in it. "I saw it in a store. It reminded me of the dress that Aura wore so I had to get it. Good thing I brought it with me. "It seems like to me that everytime you get introduced to something that me or Spot brings you it would bring back some more memories."

"That's not all." I searched around the drawers for my music box. "Sarah gave me this music box. She said it will help me someday. I didn't know what she meant by then but now I think I know. This is what made me get that flashback along with the locket. But this time I envisioned myself in the flashback. I was in the same red dress and you and Sarah were there fixing me up like someone special was coming. And soon Spot Conlon came walking up to me and we danced throughout the whole flashback. He kissed me and I swear his kisses are so much better than how Oscar kisses me."

"Well so far that's a lot of information I got from today. What my idea is we keep introducing things that I have to see if it helps jog up your memories. Hopefully we can regain your past before your marriage."

"And Rosie." I stopped her before she went out the door. "Can we keep this from Oscar? Make sure Morris or any of his goons don't find out about this. I know he promised me that he wouldn't hurt me but some parts of me doesn't trust him." Rosie smiled at me and pretended to zip up her lips. "My lips are sealed.

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