Chapter 19

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Aura's POV:

Spot and I just danced the night away. At time he would pick me up and spin me around. "Spot I had this crazy thing in my head. I was wondering what if we got married. What if we had a family. Children that looked like us that had our eyes." I said. "I wouldn't think of something more wonderful than that. There would be nothing more interesting I would do than be with you. I want to see you go on. I want to see you sing. I want to see you do everything that you dreamed of and I'll be there cheering for you." I felt his hand stroke my cheek once again. When I grasped his wrist I realized I was wearing the engagement ring and the bracelet that Oscar gave me. "Wait. I have to take care of some unfinished business." I walked over to the water and took off my bracelet and my ring and just threw them into the water aggressively.

I ran over to Spot and started hugging him. I loved it when he would spin me around. I heard slow claps and when I looked over it was Oscar and Morris and strangely no Ursula. Must've fired her after that cruddy job of watching over me. "I always loved happy reunions. Finally our young lovers are reunited at last. But there's something you forgot." Oscar hastily grabbed me and clutched me so close to him. "She's still engaged to me. I will not let you take my happiness from me."

"Take your hands off of her." said Spot. Oscar slinked his arm around my neck and started pressing. "Oh dear do I have to kill her to make my point to you." I was hoping that Sarah or Rosie would come. I knew they came with me to watch I wonder where they were.

"I should've known that this girl would risk her life to be with a street rat like you just as her own parents gave her up to protect her from us." I couldn't focus on anything with Oscar strangling me but the point that he just made sparked my mind. I knew that my parents gave me up otherwise I wouldn't be in the orphanage to start out with but they did it to protect me from the Delancey Brothers.

"You leave her alone!"Spot charged for Oscar but Morris stopped him and forced his head up to watch. "Watch as your little queen dies in my arms and there's nothing you can do to stop me. I was going to marry her to give you pain but I think killing her and making you watch will give you more pain.

"I should've finished you off from the start when I had you cornered. Now there's no escaping me now. And your little boyfriend won't help you now." All I could was claw at Oscar's arm and try to gasp for air. I felt my eyes getting bigger as the need to breathe is starting to become really big. I started to lose hope and just accepted the fact that I will die.

I was thinking not this night. Not on the night where I finally remembered everything. This was supposed to be the most happiest night of my life. I didn't even get to remember everything yet. I still don't know who my parents are. But maybe I won't maybe I'll just live with the fact that I'll die right here, right now. I started to close my eyes to make things more easier for him and started to stop clawing his arm aggressively. But that saying never fails me again in a time of fear there's hope. And there was hope I just didn't see it. Everything was black again when I 

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