Chapter 17

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Aura's POV:

Oscar came up to my room again just to taunt me. "So you remembered everything? How?" I refused to tell him how I regained my memory. If I tell him he'll hurt Sarah, Rosie, and everyone I love. And I can't endanger them. "I just remembered that's all. They just strangely came back to me." I said. "That's not possible. The last time you were yourself it was at night and we were attacking you. Morris punched you in the face with his brass knuckle and you landed in pile of rubble passing out. Your memories shouldn't have come back on their own, unless you had help from others." I started getting nervous and I slowly lost my composure and started to freak out. "I'm telling you. No one helped me they just came back on their own." Oscar suddenly grabbed my throat in rage. "Shut up. Don't lie to me any longer. If you don't tell me who helped you right now then what I'll do to you won't be pretty." he said as he let go of my throat. I started coughing and hiding my face. I couldn't rub my throat on account that my hands were tied up.

"I'll be back princess. And when I get back you better tell me who helped you." When he left I slumped down just feeling hopeless and conflicted. I can't tell him. He'll hurt everyone I know. But if I don't tell him I'll have to pay the price and I can guess the price in blood. I heard someone climb up the window and soon a rock came flying through. I tried hiding more into my bed but my hand are still tied up I couldn't hide anymore. I heard heavy footsteps walk in and my breathing started to quicken and intensify. I didn't want to look at who got in my room. I felt a hand grab my shoulder and when I looked back it was my knight in shining armor.

Spot came for me. "Spot. You're here. You're here." That's all I could say. "Are you ok?" he asked. I leaned my forehead on his and we just stood there feeling each other's breath. "I knew you weren't gone forever. I knew you were still in there." he said. He put his hands on my cheeks keeping me in the same position. "They all came back to me. All of the memories. With the help of Sarah and Rosie." I have to apologize to Rosie. I was kind of mean to her yesterday. I yelled at her over something that Spot didn't even do. I know for a fact on that night Spot wouldn't have left me, he would never do anything to hurt me. "You have to get me out of here quick. Oscar's coming. And he's demanding on the people who helped me get my memories back and what he'll do next won't be pretty I can tell you that." I said. "You know I came prepared Aura." It was nice to hear Spot say my name. My real name.

He grabbed a knife out of his pocket and started cutting the ropes. I could hear footsteps coming up. My fear has started to increase. I fear that Oscar's coming back up. "Hurry I think Oscar's coming up." I could feel the ropes breaking and as soon I was free I started to run for the door.I blocked it with a chair. "We can go out the balcony way. It seems far but I think we'll survive." I felt Oscar jiggling the door. Next I heard him banging and kicking the door. "Quick we have to do it quick." Spot had another idea that was better than mine. I grabbed onto him and we both came down slowly hanging onto the bottom of the balcony floor. I held onto him tightly and started breathing heavily onto his chest. "We'll be ok just wait a few more minutes." He said ashe started to stroke my hair.

I heard Oscar kick open the door and walk in my room. I heard his loud stompings and rummaging as he tried to search for me. I got more nervous when he walked out onto the balcony. I closed my eyes and buried my face more into his chest. "Aura! Wait until I get you back in here! And trust me you won't be pretty once I get my hands on you." Once we got the call that he walked out of my room that was when we made our great escape. "Be careful don't drop us." I said worryingly. Once we got on the ground we started running. It was hard running in heels and lets not forget it's summer time.

I heard Ursula shouting out my escape and that just made me run faster. I bet she was keeping eyes on me the whole entire time. I swear she must be like a spy or something. "Who's the one giving us away?" asked Spot. "I'll explain later. Now just run." I never have ran so fast and hard in my entire life. I guess that's what fear does to you. It pushes you to do things you never thought you would do. Occasionally I would trip and fall on the way I started to slow Spot down when I reached my limit. "Spot. Spot I can't run anymore. I'm way too tired." I said crouching down. "Here I'll carry you." He grabbed me around my shoulders and I felt one of his hands creep up on the crook of my knees. Up to that point I watched the sky zoom by as I held onto Spot I started to see black spot around me. I slowly started to pass out but I didn't care if I passed out on the way there. I'm safe now. I have my memories. And I'm back with Spot.

Yay Aura got her memories back. She's safe again or you think she is.

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