Chapter 6

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Lydia's POV:

Sarah finally finished my wedding dress and I finally got a chance to try it on for the first time. "Oh my goodness! You look so beautiful."said Sarah as she pretended to hold back tears. "You don't have to feel sad for me. A marriage is supposed to be happy." I said. "It's not happy if you're marrying a Delancey." said Sarah as she tried to get my veil on. "Now I probably told you this a million times but how about a million and one. When me and my brother Les was walking to work Oscar came behind me and started sweet talking me. I thought of it to be immature as most boys are so I just ignored it and walked away-"

"And Morris popped up and both of them started to harass you and started to beat up Davey and Jack saved the day. Yeah I know this story already." I said looking myself in the mirror. "I know it's just I'm worried about your married life with Oscar. I just don't want you to get hurt."

"Sarah trust me I won't get hurt. Oscar told me he would never do anything to hurt me." I said. "So how's your whole regaining your memories thing going?" she asked. "It's going great so far. I've received some things where it just sparked a memory from my forgotten past. But still even with my memories coming back slowly some parts of it are blurry." I saw a little boy look out from the window and when I looked closely it was Spot. When we made eye contact he started to run. "Wait!"

I ran out the shop with my wedding dress and my veil on. It was hard to run in a wedding dress and high heels. "Wait! Stop! I just want to talk!" He strangely stopped after I yelled after him. I took a moment to catch my breath and started to speak. "I don't want to fight. I just want to talk. I want to apologize for my behaviour that day. I didn't mean to hit you I was just very nervous that day." I said. "It's ok. It's not the first time I've been hit before. It's Lydia right?"

"Yes, and you're Spot Conlon. Listen I just want to say I'm sorry about Aura's disappearance. And I want to make it up to you for my behaviour. I'll take you out to dinner at Tibby's tonight at 7. No excuses, it's my treat."

"I'll be glad to be there. And you look good in your wedding dress." I acted surprised looking all around me. I was so busy trying to catch up to Spot I didn't realize I went out in public with my dress on. "It's ok. It's ok. You look very beautiful in it. I'll meet you at Tibby's at 7?" I agreed on the date but the only thing I'm concerned about is leaving the house without Oscar knowing. Because if he hears that I'm going out with a friend he'll probably come with me or have Morris go with me.

"What was that about?" asked Sarah as I came back in. "I just want to make it up to him after what I did to him." I said. "What are you gonna do? Oscar will kill you if he hears you're taking Spot out to dinner. He'll think you're cheating on him."

"I'm not cheating on him, this is me making up to Spot and I sort of want to be with him more often because I know this may sound crazy to you but when I'm with Spot I regain more of my memories. Something just makes me feel that he's part of my past and if he is I have to find out what he was to me in my past. This is how desparate to know. I just need to know. I mean Rosie's right I can't keep listening to what Oscar tells me because now everything's worth it. Everything's worth it to know my past. To find my family."

"You're starting to change. From when I first met you, you were so timid and conserved about knowing your past. Always listening to Oscar but now I think you're starting to get it. You're starting to get your memories back." smiled Sarah.

"This may also sound crazy but I'm starting to lose some of my love for Oscar. Ever since the day I met Rosie and Spot I started getting these flashbacks that's connecting to my past and while having that I started to feel uncomfortable a teeny weeny bit around Oscar because whenever I'm with him I get a vibe that he had to be in my past and it wasn't pretty. But I still love him like we're still getting married."

"But might I suggest to be careful I hear Oscar and Morris got eyes and ears all around New any of their spies catch or hear that you're starting to find your past then let's just say what they'll do to you won't be pretty." said Sarah as she closed up in my face and took in my hands.

(Here's where things get really interesting between us. But, not in that way)

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine go help David."

I ran over to Oscar who was beating David helplessly and relentlessly. I tried to get him to stop but he wouldn't stop. "Oscar please stop it! You're hurting him!" I was panicking I didn't know what to do. "Just take me. Take me in place of David."

He looked at me like I was a prize. "I knew you would come to your senses. I was hoping for cowboy to come but this is a better prize." he said as he pushed me to the wall. "I don't like to beat up women so I've got something better for you." he whispered in my ear and I could feel the fear tingle in my spine.

Oscar started kissing my neck and very slowly started to creep up toward my face. I started screaming but he pushed his arm on my neck forcing me to shut up. I couldn't breathe I couldn't scream. I guess this will be the way I die.

I broke out of that horrendous flashback and started to push myself away from Sarah almost falling on a mannequin behind me. She got my arms trying keep my balance. "What happened? Was it another flashback? What did you see?"

"It wasn't pretty. You were in it. It was when the Delancy's were beating your brother and I didn't even know I was there at the time. I tried to get Oscar to stop it and I did that by taking David's place. But what I had to see was horrible. Oscar was attempting to rape me. He was kissing me all over my neck and face. And I couldn't scream or escape Oscar ahs me where he wanted me."

"Maybe you should call off the wedding. You can live with me until you get your memories back I'm sure my parents would love to have you." said Sarah. "No I can't just call off the wedding Oscar will suspect something's up. I mean I still haven't regained all my memories and the one I just experienced was a part of my past but whatever it is I can tell from my past that Oscar was a part of it and he wasn't a good part."

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