Chapter 13

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Lydia's POV:

"I'se gonna see what's going on. I'll be right back." said Spot. I just sat there waiting for him. But I felt like I forgot something again. But still I felt like everything was alright. But minute by minute, and it soon became hour by hour. I didn't know how long I was waiting. I saw figure appear out of the shadows and I sighed a sigh of relief. "For a minute there I thought you just left me." Then i knew something was weird. I saw another figure appear I got a closer look at them they were two big tough newsies. I bet they're from Brooklyn. "He did. He did leave you. And I believe he took something very valuable to you."

"What? What are you talking about?" That was when it hit me. My music box. I remember leaving it up on the post. I forgot to take it with me. I quickly climbed up the post and when I got up the music box was gone. I looked around everywhere but it was nowhere to be found. And what did they meant about Spot leaving me? He wouldn't leave me. He wouldn't have just taken the music box and just ran off. I climbed back down mustering up all the bravery I have in me. "You're wrong. Spot's not that cruel. I know him. He wouldn't have left me."

"See for yourself." They guided me to somewhere in the distance. And what I saw was Spot on a horse. And he was running away. "Spot! Spot!" He couldn't hear me he just ran off without me. That was when I realized they were right he did leave me and he took my music box with him. How could he betray me like this? After all what happened back there? After all the things he's done for me? "It's a fair trade. A music box for the girl." I felt one of them stroke my hair and pull off the ribbon behind me. I quickly turned around in shock. He made a deal with those boys? Now this not only concerns Spot but this also concerns me too.

How can I be a fool to not believe those stories. How can I be a fool to not believe Oscar? What have I done? This is all my fault if I just listened then I wouldn't be in this situation by now. This is all because of me. I've lost everything because of me. I grabbed the ribbon away from the boys and they soon tried to put their hands around me. I slapped one of them in the face and I pushed myself away from them. I slowly moved farther and farther away from them holding my ribbon. "You're a fiery one now wonder you attracted Spot's heart." They started to chase after me and I started to run as fast as I could. I couldn't see where I was going. It was too dark to see. I just had to find a way to the bridge. Then I heard grunting and people getting beaten. I carefully looked back to see Oscar and those boys on the ground.

"Oscar?" I ran in his embrace crying on his chest. "How did you find me?" I asked. "You didn't come home and I knew something was wrong and that was when my friend Ursula told me that you were in trouble so I went to Brooklyn to find you. We better get out of here before they decided to get a little more out of you." he said. It was finally nice to be with Oscar but as I looked into the distance again. I realized all the hurt I began to feel. Tears started to form in my eyes again and some started to spill across my face. The stories were all true Spot Conlon is a monster and he'll always be a monster. How can I be so foolish to think that me and him were meant to be. Maybe I was wrong about him. Maybe he wasn't a good thing in my past. Maybe he was just a bad memory that I refused to remember long ago.

I looked back and ran to Oscar finally starting to cry in his chest again. "You were right about him. You were right about everything." He led me back home and up to this point I realized that if Spot was a lie then my whole past is a lie. What's the point in trying to find out? I'm better off marrying Oscar and forgetting about this whole journey to the past.

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