Chapter 20

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Rosie's POV:

As soon as me and Sarah saw Oscar and Morris walk in we knew trouble was gonna be here and I predicted that this kind of trouble will be deadly. I saw the look on Oscar's face it looked like he really wanted to kill Aura. "We have to do something. I'll go get Jack and the rest." I stopped Sarah before she left. "It's too far to get Jack and the newsies. Just leave it up to me I know someone else that can help. You have to trust me. I'm a very fast runner so I'll be here really quick." I started running to the two people I know the most. Aura's mom and dad and they don't live far. They live on the outskirts of Manhattan. I got confused which alley was which. I knew they lived in an alley but with the dark things just got more harder. I started to go into the first alley that was on the far left. Something about it made my heart think this was the right one.

I didn't care what my heart said up to this point I just have to find her parents and save Aura before she's dead. I started banging on the door screaming for help. When the door opened I rushed inside overjoyed to find her parents. "Calm down. You almost gave us a heart attack.Just slow down and tell us what happened." Her mom tried to calm me down as I took a couple of breaths in and out. "Honey get her a glass of water." Once Aura's dad went in the kitchen I told her mom the story.

"Ok your daughter finally remembered everything. But she still doesn't remember you guys. She's getting this feeling though that something about the picture of you guys makes her think that you guys are really alive. Thats kind of the good news. The bad news is Oscar found out about that and he's going to kill Aura. I need your help, we can't fight both of the Delancey Brothers by ourselves." Her parents looked so nervous when I mentioned the Delancey Brothers.

"I'm not sure if we can be of help. I'm sure they remember us. The only reason we went in hiding here is to avoid them. They probably know that we gave up our daughter. The only reason we did it was to protect her and ourselves. It's a selfish act really we can be no hero to her." said Aura's mom. "Hey that was before. That was the past. I mean I can understand bad things happened before but you have to focus on what's happening right now. Don't you understand that your only daughter is going to be killed by the man you hate. Are you really going to let your happiness get thrown away? I know you really love Aura and I'm sure if you talk to her and just connect with her she may remember you guys and she'll probably forgive you for what you guys did. I mean think of the days after you gave her up."

I can be pretty motivational. I learned all my motivational skills from Aura. "There is one thing though. Aura is our daughter. Oscar and Morris will never be allowed to go near her ever again. I may have made a mistake by giving her up when we should've been the loving and caring parents we were supposed to be. But, we're ready we're going to make it up to her."

"Are you just going to say it or do it? Because by now she could be dying!" I rushed out of the house with her parents behind me. "You're gonna have to sneak up on Oscar. He's not really the sharpest tool in the shed so he won't expect it coming." I said as I was running. When we got to Brooklyn I saw Aura's parents at their strongest. I never seen them fight off the Delancey's so united and strong. I guess my motivational speech worked. "Well it's the parents that started it all.If you just listened and just gave her to me in the first place we would never have to be fighting like this." said Oscar. "I would rather have my daughter away from you than live in misery with you." said Aura's dad.

Nothing beats anything except a mother and father's love for their children. Family love is the strongest. I started to to join in the fight I tried to free Spot from Morris. I never fought Morris but I know it wasn't easy. He pulled out his brass knuckles and started to take a couple of swings at me. I grabbed his hand and made him punch himself in the face.He started to howl in pain as he was holding his right eye. "How does it feel to get a taste of your own medicine?"I shouldn't have smart mouthed him that only just fueled him more.

"I'm not gonna kill you. That would be too easy but I know what will hit you the most." He pulled out a knife out of his pocket and looked over at Aura passed out on the ground. He walked over to her and grabbed her by the hair. I ran over as fast as I could and climbed on his back making him drop Aura and the knife. "There is no way I'm letting you or Oscar take Aura's life." I tried to hold on as long as I can. He grabbed me by my shoulders and gripped hard on me and threw me over his shoulder. I felt him punch and kick me everywhere. I tried to crawl away from him. I tried to go to Spot. As soon as I got up a little he just kicked me down. I felt him unbutton the buttons of my shirt. I tried to resist him as he started to kiss all the way up my neck. "Get off!" I tried to push him off but he held on tighter and tighter.

This is probably worse than what Spot's getting. Oscar's just on top of Spot punching him around. I looked around trying to find Aura. I saw her dad pick her up and run her off to safety. At least, that's one life we don't need to worry about for now. But right now it's just me and Spot and we can't fight off the Delancey's right now. I felt his hands latch onto both of mine, he held me as he started kissing down my neck and started going down to my legs. I writhed under his kisses and just prayed that soon this would be all over. I felt Morris's pressure being lifted off of me as I saw Jack and the newsies along with some of the Brooklyn newsies come to our rescue. I guess Sarah ran for help too. But right now everything will be alright because the Delancey's are getting what they deserve and Aura's safe. Her parents must've took her back to their alley.

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