Chapter 2 (Edited )

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"Addison, it's almost time for the full moon," I say. "Well then let's go let's get our backpacks," Addison says, We grab our backpacks and head out to our car and hop in. I drive and we go out of our garage, head down the street, listen to some music, and drive. After 20 minutes we arrive at the park, we get out and get our backpacks and walk to a little fort we built when we were kids and then we lie down and then I feel really dizzy and then blackout . . . 

We wake up I look over to Allison she wakes up a little after me and then gets up dust off our backpack "I'm hungry."Allison says "Same, let's stop into the coffee shop and get some coffee and a muffin."I suggest. She nods her head "I'll take that as a yes." I say as we walk back to our car but then we check the time "Crap we need to be fast about this we are so gonna be late for school if we don't hurry." I say breaking into a run we hop in our car and put on some music go to the local coffee shop and grab a muffin and some coffee and quickly pay the cashier and run out the door drive home. When we get there we get out of car,  run to the door swing it open, and  run up the stairs rush to our rooms, run over to our closet, and I  take some skinny jeans and a sweater that's red and get my hair tie and tie my hair up in a ponytail I see Allison dressed in a black skater skirt and a black and white long sleeve t-shirt and then we grab our favourite shoes. Allison grabs heels I grab my black Chuck Taylor converse.

Running out of our room, downstairs, and grab some toast and put a slice of cheese on it and run out the door I see Allison running after me to but slower. We hop in our car and drive to school. After all our tiring classes we finally head out the door as school ends and we walk over to our car while talking to Krystal but she gets a call and says goodbye to us. We get in our car and leave the school parking lot and drive down the street and listen to some music and finally, we arrive home. We turn off our car's engine and get out of our car and walk up the front steps.  We both walk into the kitchen and see a note Mom left us on the refrigerator

 Girls I have to work late today Your dad had to leave on a trip and he'll be back after tomorrow -Love Mom

I grab an apple and head to go upstairs and into my hair hopping down on my bed and taking out my phone and open up Pinterest and see if I can find a cute hairstyle that I can do for my hair for tomorrows party. I find one and go try it on my hair, I let Allison pick my outfit. Afterward, I head downstairs and fall asleep watching some movies. When I wake up I notice that my house is quiet which is odd for our house. I look at the time and see that it was currently 12 in the afternoon and decide to continue watching some movies until 4.

Allison comes around 2 showing me the shopping bags that has in her hands filled with jewellery and clothes for the party. I doze off while she shows me the second outfit. "Addi wake up right now its 4:30!" Allison tells me frantically shaking me until I open my eyes. "Shoot!" I say as I rush towards the bathroom and rush to get all the things for my hair and rush to my bed to dress in the outfit Alli had planned for me. 

After being an hour late to the party we finally arrive at the party and see all the lights shining out of the house and the loud music. We quickly meet up with our friends and head inside and went to go grab a drink and then one of  our friends Sam comes up to us "Hey how are my two favourite twins?" He says teasingly "We're the only twins you know." I say laughing "True." He says laughing "Girls would you mind doing me a favour?" He asks looking around "Depends? What is it?" I ask "Well we were supposed to have a guy come sing for us but he called in sick just now and since I know both of you can sing I was hoping you would sing instead?" He asks nervously "Sam you would owe us big time." I say "I will do anything you want for the rest of the year," He says "Fine, we'll do it." I say reluctantly. We head over to the guy in charge of music and pick a song to sing. We finally decide on a song called Wild By Troye Sivan.

"Guys I would like to introduce the singers for tonight. Please welcome Allison and Addison Mcall!" He says into the mic. We hear loud applause and head out to the stage and start singing (song above if you want to listen)

Loud applause erupts from the crowd as we finish the song. We head down the stage to grab a drink since our throat feels dry after singing, we head over to the stand that held all the drink most of them being gone and see some twin guys who were very cute. We didn't catch their names at first but we chatting after a while Allison was tired and wanted to leave since it was 11 pm but before we could leave they put a cloth on our face.  I tried to fight back but the scent from the cloth made me dizzy and sleepy but after a few seconds I forgot what was even going on and suddenly everything went black . . . 

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