Chapter 3 (EDITED)

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    I  wake up on the cold ground surrounded by trees and leaves falling down I stand up and look around to see my friends and family all lying on the ground looking pale and lifeless a tear slips down my cheek and a sob seemed to be stuck in my throat. Seeing the faces of everyone I love dead I look around and finally my eyes settle on one person with her eyes glossy and open, a sob erupts from my chest as I fall down and grab her cold hand it was Allison. I look down at my twin and feel my heart being shattered in a million different pieces. With a blurred vision from crying, I look up at a sudden noise being made by the trees and see two wolves standing on top of a little hill behind all the bodies. They both stare at me for a moment I thought they were very realistic looking statues but then the white wolf leaps with claws out at black wold and started viciously attacking the black wolf for a moment I thought the white wolf would kill the black wolf.

I start to get up and feel myself being pulled to the black wolf who was fighting for its life.  I want to go over and help the wolf but deep down something tells me not to, and against all common sense I go and help the injured wolf I run over and block the white wolf's attack on the black one but got a nasty scratch on my arms which was now bleeding profoundly but strangely I don't feel any pain but I start to see black spots appearing on my vision and I see the white wolf  had let down his guard almost as if it was sympathetic to me. The black wolf suddenly uses the opportunity to kill the white wolf with a swift bite to the neck and the white one weakly moves to protect itself but the black wolf growls then turn it's head towards me and bares its wide and sharp teeth and attacks me.

   I wake up shaking and covered in sweat and tears streaming down my face I try to calm myself and telling myself it was all just a very bad dream. I sit up in the bed and see that I'm in the same clothes I was in when I was at the party I try to smooth out the wrinkles that have formed on my skirt. I look around to see where I am, expecting it to be my shared bedroom with Allison but instead, it was a room painted a beautiful navy blue. All of a sudden I hiss at a sudden pain in my wrist after trying to get out of bed and look down to see a red line that I must have accidentally gotten leaving the house. I begin to wander around to see if there was a way out of here but as far as I could see there was no way out except the door which was, of course, was locked I groaned in frustration and kicked the bedpost which resulted in a scream erupting from the bed I jump and see Allison waking up screaming and jumping up from the bed as if someone had shocked her with zapper "Ali calm down!" I say as she ran towards me shouting "Where are we?" She asks clearly panicked "I have no idea." I say looking at her still trying to comfort her.

   We both jumped when we heard the door knob jiggle and some keys being put in the door to unlock it. I push Allison behind me to try to protect her from whatever might come through that door, the door opens slowly and a guy walks in, he looks around my age maybe a year or 2 older, after him another one came in they were identical twins they both had the same chocolate brown eyes that looked kind had the same smile but wore different clothes.

 "Who are you and what do you want with us?" I ask trying to sound brave and hoping not to sound as nervous as I feel "It's ok we won't hurt you, I'm Jayden and this is my brother Jordan." Jayden says pointing to his twin brother "If you weren't going to hurt us then why did you knock us out with chloroform?" I say with a raised eyebrow "Oh that," Jayden say nervously scratching the back of his head "I'm sorry about that but we didn't want you guys changing in front of everyone and trying to gut us." He says as if that explained everything perfectly "What are you talking about?" I ask "What do you mean what are we talking about you obviously know." Jordan says laughing but then stops laughing as soon as he sees I'm just staring at him blankly "Wait they never told you, "They both looked at each other "But then why do you go to the forest ever full moon if they didn't tell you?"asked Jordan,"Tell us what?"Allison asked clearly confused what I wanted to know was how they knew about where we went but decided it was best to ask that later. "That you're both true Alpha werewolves."Jayden says "What is a true Alpha?" I ask confused while looking at Allison who looked as lost as me.

  "A true Alpha is an Alpha that doesn't have to kill to be the Alpha of a pack and a true alpha only rises because it's in their blood to be a leader."Jordan explained "So you're saying that we're "true Alphas" yeah right last time I checked there is no such thing as a werewolf, Besides Beacon Hills, may be strange but it's not this strange."I say trying to convince myself. Deep down I knew that what they were saying was the truth but at the same time I didn't want to believe it because if this was my family's big secret why didn't our parents ever tell us? They both looked at us and I knew that they were telling the truth then it all hit me like a tidal wave, but all I could feel was pure and bitter anger. "Why would they keep this from us? We could have hurt someone." I say the anger just pouring out of me "I don't know but Addison I would calm down if I were you." Jayden says looking worried "Why should I?"I ask glaring at him "Because of your bracelets your parents don't know this but your bracelets are kind of cursed with some evil spirits." Jordan says calmly as if we were talking about the weather outside "What!" I say loudly and jumped "Calm down you can learn to control them if you train then you learn to control them and they'll be a huge advantage to you." Jayden says smiling

 "But judging at how your reacting I'm guessing that you want revenge." Jayden says with a knowing smirk "How would you know that?" I say with narrowed eyes "Because your bracelet is glowing."He nods toward my wrist I look down and see my bracelet glowing a bright red and so was Allison's "Why is it glowing?" I ask him "Because Nogitsune feeds on the dark feelings like jealousy, hatred, and of course revenge." He explains "You can stop this and go on with your normal life or you can come with me and Jordan and learn to control yourselves and get your revenge on your parents."He says looking at me "I think we both know what I want."I say as I look up and my eyes glow a bright lavender purple and look down at my bracelet burning brighter than ever.


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