Chapter 23

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IM BACK  just wanted to let you know ;)  lol any way  so get prepared to be blown away by this sucky  chapter any way bye people 


" What are you doing here Addison "  Theo asks looking around to see if anyone is there to see me and him talking see that no one is there he calms down a bit but he still looks agitated  "  What can't  I pay you a visit without you thinking I want  something  " I trying to look offended  and hurt , " Because first off you only come to visit me if you want something unless you suddenly became human which I highly doubt or you have a question and most likely I have the answer so ask away because I don't have a choice so go ahead and ask so I can go back to my wife thank you very much  " Theo says sarcastically . " Well  your right okay I need a answer and I need t quick , are you happy  now " I ask , Yes , I am now whats you question because my wife will think I am trying to do something illegal or supernatural  and by supernatural i mean bad stuff as in what I  did when I was a teenager  but  um my wife threatens to torture me worse then anything i could ever imagine so I'm gonna keep being a good person just in case she is serious  which knowing my wife  she is dead serious and I think I'd rather take my chances with the entire people i screwed over then face my wife with a very angry expression  or even worse a knife " Theo says with a shudder , I laugh at Theo the boy who faced the Dread Doctors is afraid of  Grace Raeken  " Well since your in such a hurry to get to your wife what do you know about the monster killing the people in Beacon Hills in the last month "  I say with a smirk "Not much just that it feeds off anger and basically anything thats not happy like  envy or hate  but I know for a fact thats the thing is a demon  and it's Deucalion's daughter with Kate  Argent  her name is Alexys  she's all demon not even a shred of humanity in her  so thats what makes her so deadly and cruel  but  the thing that makes her damn near impossible to scare is she is fearless not to mention evil so if you want to make this demon angry I would sleep with one eye open  and a weapon on you at all time cause this is one demon  you do not want to cross  so take care of yourself  Addison " Theo said with concern , "Thanks , I hope you  take care of your son but if is a werewolf  tell him other wise you'll get the same result that my dad did so take care of him he's lucky to have you as his dad  " I  say as I look at Theo and  give  him a sad smile . " Thanks for the advice Addison  but try not to hate your dad to much as a parent i can say that being a father  is hard because everything is  a possible danger to your kid and you try to protect them as much as you can so what I'm trying to say is maybe he was trying to protect you and not hurt you " Theo said with a small smile , I hug him and cry into his shoulder my tears making his shoulder a little wet he just takes me in his arms and comforts me and hugs me  I let go of him and wipe my tears " Theo  your not a bad guy your just someone that chose the wrong path but  I really believe that your on the right track now " I say with a smile  , " Thanks kiddo you know your the closest thing that i have to a daughter so if Jayden ever hurts you I will seriously  make sure he will seriously regret hurting my little warrior " He says while taking me into a hug " Thanks Theo I have to go  now " I say letting go  I see Grace coming out of their bedroom in a comfy looking pajama "Hi Grace "  I say  with a smile " Addison why didn't you tell me you were coming I would have made a cup of tea or something are you hungry "She says  with a concern clear in her eyes , "I'm fine Grace okay honestly I just had a question that I had to  ask Theo but since I'm done  I have to home to Allison but thanks for asking " I say as I walk to the door they both kiss my cheek and give me a hug before letting walk out the door I walk down the path and onto the side walk before I  look back  and then I start walking home as I walk I think of all the times  I  have been to this house and not once have I  ever been unwelcome and as Grace sees me as her daughter and so does Theo  even Evan  calls me his sister bear he's only 5 but he is the cutes thing you will ever see I  keep thinking of all the fun times I have had at that house as I keep thinking  I realize that I am at the front step of my house i open the front door expecting them all to be asleep or pass out of tiredness when I walk in I see my mom and dad with a parents with a look that could be the most furious stare I have ever seen in my life  and my  parents have a look in they're eyes as in your-so-freaking-dead look " WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN  ADDISON  AMILIA MCCALL " My mom shouts " I was - my mom cuts me off " Never mind  why didn't you tell us where you were going " she looks furious .  I start getting angry  I close my eyes and then  open them and they are a blood red and I growl and  all the werewolves in the room sit down except Allison , Jayden , and Jordan they smirk and Jayden winks at me then I  look at my mother " I was getting information about the creature and it turns out that you were all wrong  about it its a demon the daughter of Deucalion and Kate Argent (if you find this weirds it because they're both just as evil and i feel they could bond over the fact hey hate Scott and the pack so yeah;)) her name is  Alexys  and she is as deadly as me and my sister so use extreme  caution  and she fears nothing and thats what makes her deadly and fearless so she has nothing to fear and also she has no humanity left in her so don't try emotions because she will feel no remorse or love so good luck so how will we fight a  monster with nothing " I say with a sarcastic smile " We don't fight it we kill it " Jayden says with a serious face 


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