Chapter 7

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Hello so yeah I won't  update as  much but I will update and today's update will be short and sweet ok and if you have any questions about the characters or the story  please  feel free to ask in the  comments or  message  me  yeah and I hope you like it and please vote and comment it would mean a lot thanks


        *9 Months later cause I can * 

"WHAT!"I yell angrily "I said they had  another  baby a boy called Tyler (See what I did there 😏)Cody  Mccall   was  born July 13,2016   he is  healthy is a couple weeks old."  ( if your confused read  the  next  update and I'll clear it all up ) , Jordan says looking up from his  phone "Ugh they   get another right after we leave well now there  gonna be hell to pay."I growl "Wait you can't just  go in gun blasing we need a plan I mean your dad is a highly respected Vet it's a miracle we even took you guys without getting caught."Jayden says calmly "Your right Jay we need a plan and there will be  no room for mistakes  cause I want revenge and I'm gonna get it."I say sweetly...
Haha I'm such a tease if you hate  me  sorry  but I wanted you to want the next chapter  and my next update won't be a chapter  it will clear up some stuff

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