Chapter 21

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Okay guys my computer is going a crazy so yeah that's kinda why I don't update as much but I have the endings but the monster name is still to be decided but yeah I expect to be done by February or Christmas if I keep to my schedule and just keep writing everyday and the chapters will be long as much as 500 words or less or more but that's all I wanted to tell you Bye


I look at Jayden he doesn't look at me but he has a serious look on his face , "How can we help " Jordan says and he has the same serious look on his face just as Jayden has ,"Well we know that there's been a monster killing teenagers and some adults all supernatural or knows of the supernatural , but they were all pure and they were good kids and people " , Stiles says . I take Jayden's hand and go upstairs to me and Allison's room I remember the hall that you see our room just to your right , I open the door and then I see the bedroom that me and Allison once shared all the stuff is just where I remember it to be , I sit Jayden and me down to my bed "What the hell Jayden why would you say that "I says a bit agitated ,"Because Addi I want to help save people and you would have said yes even if you were angry at your parents just to save the people that need to be saved , and I know you Addi you have a big heart and that's why I love you " , Jayden says . "Your right but how can we help " I ask , "I don't know yet but let's just hear them out " Jayden says .

I go down the hall with Jayden and then down stairs and see Allison and Jordan talking but the see us coming down the stairs and the look at us but by the looks on our face they know what the answer is I go to Allison and I see Jayden go to Jordan " Allison me and Jayden think we should help or at least try " I whisper "Great so do me and Jordan but just one concern what if our parents aren't trust worthy " Allison whispers concerned "Well we'll just have to trust them in order to save innocent people " I whisper I see Jayden and Jordan come toward us when they are no more then a finger away from us "Jordan and Me think we Should try to help " Jayden whispers "Me and Addison think the same think just can we trust our parents " Allison whispers with a concerned face I look over to our parents and they're friends they all have a confused look on they're face except the human ones but I'm guessing they're confused why they can't hear what we're whispering about they can't us cause not even the most powerful werewolf could hear us whispering cause our whispers are so silent that even we sometimes can't hear each other from the corner of my eyes I see Jayden come up behind me " We talked and we have decided that we will help , but if your parents show even the slightest sign that we should not trust them we leave " Jayden whispers . Jayden is so close to me that when I just turn my head I can whisper into his ear "Fine by me " I whisper smiling , I pull away from Jayden I see Allison ,Jayden , and Jordan come stand behind me "We have a deal " I say my face betraying nothing but I see all the people I have considered family have arrived as well "Great then let's start " My dad says with a serious face and tone


Guys we have reached 301 views on my book when I saw this I freaked out cause like a bunch of people have like read my horrible book and I can't say thank you enough so yeah by guys I will see you all in the next chapter ;)

Word count 713  

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