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<Minji's POV>

"Do I have to sit with Jeongguk?" I say to Jimin in a whining tone.

"Please Minji!" Jimin whined back.

"He's weird, and awkward!"

"Just like you!" He said in reply as he smiled and put his hands on my cheeks.

I turned to Jeon, then back at Jimin.

"Please don't make me." I pouted once more.

"I'm sorry, please just do it. For me? You might end up having something in common with him."

I sighed and rolled my eyes, "Fine!!" Jimin pulls me in for a hug with a big smile.

"Thank you, Minji."


I walk over to Jeongguk with a forced smile. For some reason, it was surprisingly easy to go up to him.

I sit next to Jeongguk, and am now sitting between Taehyung and Jeongguk.

"Hey!" I said with a smile to Jeongguk. Did he not hear me? "Hello?" I say while tapping his shoulder.  Is Jeongguk ignoring me? He wont even look at me. Is he really? Wow..

I decided to talk to Taehyung, since Jeongguks being a prick.  Plus, Taehyung is funnier. He was cracking jokes back at the practice room.

"Hey, Taehyung!" I say while turning my back on Jeongguk. Taehyung turns to me and smiles.

"Hey! Minji, right?" He says with an excited smile. "That's right!" I say, and force a smile (Because it isn't coming naturally for some reason)

"So you're Jimin's-" "Sister." Jimin says from across the table. I guess I'm his sister.

"I'm Jimin's sister." I say with a smile, and a giggle. Right after I say those words, I hear a voice from behind me saying "Oh, good!"

I turn around to see that Jeongguk isn't in his chair, but he's standing behind me, looking at me. Was he saying "Oh, good" to me?

"Excuse me?" I say to Jeongguk in a questioning tone.

"Oh, sorry, nothing," He says in an embarrassed tone, and bows.

I smile at his mistake, "It's alright." He smiles, but his smile disappears, and turns into a frown. 

"I'm sorry for ignoring you." So he was ignoring me.. 

"That's fine." I say as I try my hardest to keep my smile. "Can we just try this over?" I smiled without noticing, but I think he noticed.

"Yes, please." I say with a grin. Thank God



YAY AN UPDATE!!!! So I decided that yes, I am going to continue the story, even though I have to re-write all my chapters from chapter three all the way to chapt thirteen. I have to re-write ten chapters. But I can and will do it!

If you noticed, the chapter title looks different from the others. That's because I have to write the story on my PC until I can get a new phone, because in case you didnt know, my phone went swimming.

Please try to put up with me, I have a lot of problems, and I dont know when ill have inspiration to continue writing. All the sweet comments from my friends and followers from my instagram @bangtan_army_insfired really gave me motivation to continue.

ILY THANKS FOR READING! <3333333 (I cant add the heart emojis on this computer sooo)

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