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<Jeongguk's POV>
It's weird for Minji to be so straight forward, I didn't expect it from her.

I'm very surprised actually, it doesn't seem normal.
I got weirded out about the fact the she was so blunt, when in reality, she's a very shy, frail, calm person. I decided to text Jimin hyung, because this was making me feel uncomfortable.
To Jimin:
What's up with Minji? She just asked me out...
From Jimin:
lol that's weird, not like her. But say you'll go, you don't wanna turn her down, do you?
To Jimin:
No! Of course I'll go, it's just weird. I know that's not like her. What could be up?
From Jimin:
OH! You know what, she's at lunch with her best friend, Lee Kyung. Min was probably telling Lee about you, so Lee texted you with Min's phone. She's a hooker upper. Sorry about that.
To Jimin:
Oh, that's okay. Well I'm gonna need a little help, what does Minji like to do?

He went on to tell me everything Minji likes, and hates. I know she doesn't like fancy restaurants, and that she does like take out, so that's what we'll do. I've got a great idea.

I check the time to see that it's 6:41. So I've got a little less than an hour and a half. I go to the bedroom of my apartment, and start to get dressed. I throw on a grey long sleeved shirt, a pair of light blue jeans, and my timberlands. Cliché, but casual. I don't want to look like I'm trying too hard. I texted Jimin, telling him what I'm wearing, asking if it was okay, and having him make sure Minji doesn't get dressed up. (So that I'm not underdressed).

It seemed like it took forever, but it hit 7:45, I got in my car, and started heading to their apartment.


I get to the door of their apartment, and I was already nervous, but standing there, waiting for her to get the door after I knock, I felt more nervous than I have in a long time. I was hesitant, but I knocked. It felt like I was waiting forever. But it was probably only a few seconds. Finally, I heard whispering, and then the door opened.

She was wearing a light blue sweater, a pair of black jeans, and converse. She's so adorable.
We looked at each other for a moment, then I decided to speak.
"Hey, you ready?"
She shook her head and said "mhm, where are we going?"
"We can get takeout, if that's okay with you?"
Her smile brightened up and she said "Yes, please!"
"Alright! And then I've got a surprise."
I put my hand out, and she grabbed my hand. Even though it was a small gesture, i felt my heart lift up when our fingers intertwined.

We walked to my car, still hand in hand. Once we got to the door, I opened the door for her, and we headed to a Korean take out place called "염미 식사" which literally means "yummy food".

"Hurry up, we're almost to the restaurant!" I said as I wanted for her to come up with her next three facts about herself.
"Okay, okay, I got it. One, I love tomatoes, two, I hate being short, and three, I used to be mute. Which is the lie?"
"Ummmmmm, you used to be mute is the lie."
"Wrong! The lie is that I love tomatoes, they're really gross to me."
"Wait, you used to be mute?"
"Yep, I would only talk to Jimin oppa, and even whem I first met him, I didn't speak to him for months."
"Wow, that's crazy." We pull up to the drive through, "okay, figure out what you wanna eat."
We both looked at the menu, and decided. We ordered BBQ steak, some rice and noodles, and some mixed vegetables. We decided we would share the meal this time, since it costed way less that way.
Once we got our food, I started driving to my surprise location.
"Okay, your turn." Minji said to me.
"Okay, one, I am illegally driving right now, two, I used to be bisexual, and three, I'm really shy with pretty much everyone except you, and Jimin hyung. Which is the lie?"
She looked at me and said "I'm kinda hoping that there's two lies this time. Um the lie is that you're driving illegally."
"What!?" She says and punches me on the arm. "What the hell is the lie? You weren't bi?"
"No I wasn't bi! Are you kidding me!" I say as I laugh.

It takes us a few moments, but we arrive at the surprise location.
"What are we doing at the Entertainment studio?"


Insfires 💦🔥

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