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<Minji's POV>
We sat outside of the entertainment studio that we both work at.

He still hasn't answered me!

"Why are we here, Jeongguk?" I ask as I force a chuckle.

I hate when I don't know things, that's why the element of surprise is so scary to me.

I hate not being able to plan ahead.

I don't know how he does it, but even though this is something I don't understand, he makes me feel like that's okay.

The way he looks at me with such ease, it calms me.

I wish I could capture his beauty,

but I know it will soon be gone.

Once he becomes famous and sees all the other girls who love him,
he won't have eyes only for me.

That's what scares me the most about this,

I'm scared that once they debut, he'll find someone better.

He snaps me out of my thought, and I'm looking at his coffee colored eyes once again, when he decides to speak.

"Let's go practice. We can sing, and dance together. We can do our favorite things, and we can do them together." He looked at me waiting for an answer, but I can't just let go as easy as him.

I've never been able to let go easily.

All my thoughts went to a more realistic, and mature place.

Wondering things like 'is this safe? Is this legal? Is this a good idea? How will this effect our future?' Etc.

I don't want to be the stick in the mud, but someone has to think about these things.

I guess that person has to be me..

I started off with a pretty blunt question, "is this legal? To sneak into the studio?"

He just thinks for a moment, and then says "oh, I texted P.D Nim asking if I could use the practice room tonight. He said it was fine. He said that he was gonna explain rules like that tomorrow at practice."

Well, I'm glad he got permission.

"Do you have the keys?"

His thought filled face changed to a more nonchalant expression, and said "You worry too much."

And with that, he got out of the car, got my door, and we "snuck" into the studio.

The lights in the studio were all off, it was dark and a little creepy, if I'm being honest.

I was holding the food, which was in boxes, and the boxes were in a bag, in my left hand, and held Jeongguk's hand with my right.

We made it to the practice room, the same one I met Jeongguk in, turned the lights on, and sat on the floor to start eating.

"Is it weird that I've not been able to stop thinking about you?" I say as I look at his black hair, and coffee colored eyes.

How his sweater fell dangerously low, to the point that I could see his  collarbones.

I wish to wake up in the mornings and see him there, knowing I finally let go.

But no,

It's not that easy.

And with every action,

Comes a reaction.

A consequence,

A sad ending.

He finished his bite, and began to speak.

"No, not weird at all." His voice sounded warm, calm, and loving.

"In fact, I realized I'm always thinking about you, as well.
I wondered when I started thinking about you, and then it occurred to me,

Since I met you,

You've never left."
His words, those words, he took them out of my mouth.

But why? How? How can he say that? Or better yet, why can't I?

I wanted to tell him right then and there, that even though he's going to leave me, I'll be here, waiting.



"Why can't I-I can't, I don't know-"

Just say it.

I don't know how

To love.

, for the sake of the story plot, I need Minji to be 18 instead of 15. Please understand! I know it's weird to randomly change her age, but I have to.


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