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(Minji's pov)
"Now boarding for the 7:00 am first class flight to California." I hear the girl say over the speakers, so I do as she says. I walk toward a security guard, and put my bag, jacket, the few things of metal I have on, shoes, and electrics in hand in a bucket on a table.

I walk through a big door shaped frame, and then grab my stuff on the other side.

I check my phone once again, and I'm disappointed at the sight once again, because I have no texts from Namjoon or Jimin. I hope everything went well. He said they were gonna tell Jeongguk about me "dying" yesterday, but I haven't heard a single word.

"Ma'am?" I'm snapped out of my thoughts by the girl behind the miniature desk in front of the door that I can only assume leads to the boarding area.

"Are you ready?" She asks me calmly.
Um, I don't really know. I don't want to leave my family, friends, boyfriend, and my job forever like this, and without even saying "goodbye". It pains me so much, but I have to. I can't ruin Jeongguk's career by being such a burden. I have to go. It's better for Jeongguk this way.

I sigh, and look up at her. "Yes ma'am, I-I'm ready."

As I walk through the door and down he long hallway to the boarding area, all the thoughts cross my mind of "Jeongguk won't be here when I give birth to our son, Non of my family, or my friends will be there. No more Jimin, no more Lee, no more Namjoon, and worst of all, no more Jeongguk."

I've already bought an apartment in California, down in Hollywood Hills. It was quite expensive, but I can manage with all the pay I've saved over the years from being a prodigy in Big Hit, plus the modeling I've done over the years.

I hear people on the sides of me, and behind and front, all boarding the plane to head to Cali. All the people that probably don't have so much quilt on them. Not as much as me right now. But I have no reason to feel guilty, I'm doing this for Jeongguk's best, and for the best of the band, and for the best of my child. It's what needs to be done.

I repeat that sentence in my head as I board the plane with everyone else who are going to first class.

"It's what needs to be done." I repeat in my head.

As I take my seat in a medium sized Inclosed area, I feel my phone vibrate. It excites me, as I stop what I'm doing, sit in my seat, and check my phone. 

From: Jimin Oppa🖕🏿❤️
Jungkookie is alright

To: Jimin Oppa🖕🏿❤️
How did he take the news? Did he believe you?

From: Jimin Oppa🖕🏿❤️
Yeah he believed me. 
He was upset at first but he's ok now

To: Jimin Oppa🖕🏿❤️
Okay, good. Please keep him out of trouble.
We still on for a call tonight?

From: Jimin Oppa🖕🏿❤️
Yeah I just need to make sure no one will hear us.
Also do you want Namjoon there?

To: Jimin Oppa🖕🏿❤️
No, it's okay. Thanks! Bye~



I recline my chair, and enjoy my ride as best I can in first class, trying not to think of Jeongguk.

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