Part 18

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After dinner the other night Louise made her way home after officer Jonny took her home. Louise woke up " i can't believe i have a new family" said Louise as she jumped out of bed with so much energy, she bend down towards her bed and pulled out a box labeled "Memories" so she opened the box and inside were her bunny-ears, a lot pictures of her family, recipes of Bob's Burgers famous burgers. Louise pulled out her bunny-ears after she stopped wearing them because it reminder her of her family, Louise try them on and they still fitted her head " should i wear them today to celebrate having a new family, lucky for me i don't have to in to the precinct" said Louise as she took off her ears and went to get ready to go out. Louise wore light blue skinny jeans, a green t-shirt with some low high heels and she couldn't forget her sun glasses, Louise looked in the mirror " prefect, just one more thing"said Louise as she grabbed her bunny-ears and put them on. Louise grabbed her bag pack and took an extra pair of t-shirt because it was to sunny and she didn't want to get cover with sweat, she headed out and began to walked over to Wonder Wharf " lets have fun myself........maybe i should call Logan" thought Louise as she took out her phone but realized that she didn't have his number. Over to Logan, Logan woke up jumping out of bed rushing to get dress when he slam into the wall next to the calendar " oh i don't work today" said Logan as he laugh with embarrassment " what should i do today, maybe i should go to Wonder Wharf" said Logan as he got dressed more calmly " maybe i should ask Louise out" said Logan as he took out his phone " i don't have her number" said Logan as he sigh in disappointment. Logan got dressed and still headed to Wonder Wharf by myself when he got to Wonder Wharf he saw a girl with pink bunny-ears going inside " isn't that Louise" thought Logan as he ran towards. Louise walked in Wonder Wharf not knowing what to ride, she didn't know Logan was following her around trying to get close to her. Logan found Louise walking around Wonder Wharf but the crowd wouldn't let him go near her " Louise" screamed Logan then Louise stopped in her track looking side to side " did i just hear my name" thought Louise but she decided to keep walking " i can't believe it's this hot and I'm sweating too" said Louise as she looked down at her shirt that was cover with sweat so she decided to go change inside the bathroom. Logan was bumped into by a guy and fell to the floor " damn I'm gonna lose Louise now" said Logan as he got up and looked around but could not longer see Louise anywhere. 

................... TO BE CONTIUNED 

( I want to thank Gaby_elisa123 for the idea of wearing her bunny-ears again. Once i read the comment it gave me an idea to write this part of the story. For everyone that reads my story please don't hesitate to share your ideas with me. Thank you once again Gaby_elisa123.)

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