Part 29

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An hour later Louise, officer Jenny and officer Thomas arrive at the airport " are you nervous Louise " asked officer Thomas as he took out their baggage out of the trunk " well this is my fist time on a plan so yea " said Louise officer Jenny placed her hands on Louise shoulder " it's gonna be fine Louise " said officer Jenny as Louise sigh. They headed inside the airport, Louise looked up at the screen and saw JAL ( Japan airlines ) departure time 10am then looked at her watch 8:40 officer Jenny singled Louise to follow her and officer Thomas to the line to check in. Half an hour passed when their were finally finish checking in their bags officer Jenny looked down at her watch 9:10 " wheres the hell Logan" thought officer Jenny as she sigh " is everything fine " asked officer Thomas " yea every thing is fine" said officer Jenny as she smiled " well lets go in already" said officer Thomas but then officer Jenny got an idea " Louise weren't you thirsty" asked officer Jenny as she turned to Louise " yea  but i think i can wait unit we go inside" said Louise " don't worry about we still have time, here some money" said officer Jenny as she handed Louise a 20 dollar bill " alright i'll be back then" said Louise as she walked off,  Logan managed arrive at the airport and went inside looking everywhere " where are they" thought Logan as he ran all around the airport until he saw officer Thomas and officer Jenny " wheres Louise" mumbled Logan as he ran towards them. Officer Thomas looked up when he saw two feet in front of him thinking it was Louise " back so soon" said officer Thomas until he realized it wasn't Louise " Logan what are you doing here" said office Thomas then he turn towards officer Jenny who was smiling then back at Logan who was at the point of passing out " Logan you don't look so good" said officer Thomas "wheres Louise" asked Logan which was the only thing that came out. Louise came back with her iced coffee " this is good" thought Louise as she walked back to officer Thomas and officer Jenny when she looked up from her ice coffee and saw Logan " Logan " mumble Louise thats when she lose her grip on her ice coffee that fell onto the ground, everyone turned to see Louise standing there with a surprise look on her face 

..................TO BE CONTIUED 

Bob's Burger oh great ( Logan x Louise)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt