Part 22

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Louise left her house around 2am " I better do it know" thought Louise as she made her way through to Bob's Burger " alright let's do this" thought Louise when she walked into the alleyway and got on top of the dumpster then jumped grabbing the ladder of the fire-escape " first time doing this"thought Louise as she made her way up but she didn't realized that Jimmy Pesto was outside smoking when he saw someone climbing the fire-escape " I should call the cops" thought Jimmy Pesto. Louise took out her lock picking tit and started picking the lock of the window " haven't done this in a while" said Louise as she put on gloves then made her way inside. Louise walked through the kitchen then to her bedroom " now where's that kuchi kopi nightlight" said Louise as she looked everywhere but couldn't find it so she made her way to the living room and looked under the sofa " here it is" said Louise as she held the nightlight up in the air but her day of fun came to an end when she saw police lights outside so she decided to take a look and saw Logan coming out of the the police car " who called the police" thought Louise when she duck down when Logan looked up at the window and directly at her " i hope he didn't see me" thought Louise as she got on the floor and started crawling through the living room, once she got to the other side she got up to make her way into the kitchen but she heard a loud thump so she decided to look down stairs that led in front of the building that's when the door sung open "police" screamed Logan " oh fuck" said Louise as she ran towards the kitchen, once in the kitchen Louise made her way to the window but Logan was right behind her " up your hands up" screamed Logan so Louise stopped in her track and put her hands up thats when Logan notice the bunny ears "Louise is that you" asked Logan as he put down his gun " you don't know how long I've been looking for you" said Logan " looking for me" thought Louise confused. Louise looked up at the reflection in the window and smiled when she saw that Logan wasn't moving due to the fact that he was surprise to see her so she decided to take the chance and make a run for it " wait" screamed Logan but it was too late Louise was no longer there, Logan ran towards the window and saw Louise running away " crap I lost her but what was she doing here" thought Logan

........................ TO BE CONTIUED 

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