Another 'Normal' Meeting

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Author's note: sorry if I butcher shit.. Plz don't hurt me.. I'm just a mediocre writer ^J^ enjoy

Somewhere in Washington, DC in a very hectic world meeting in which Germany was trying to keep everyone under control. Key word trying.

When does this meeting end!!! Alfred thought to herself checking her watch. Meeting started at 10 in the frikin morning and ends at 2. And it's only 12:55 pm. HELL YAH! Almost time for lunch. I'm staaaaaarving. And right when she had that thought her stomach growled louder than all the chaos going on. Nations stopped to look at the super power. "Well dudes is it time for lunch? The hero is hungry!" America said while giving her signature heroic smile while thinking come on bitches there's a McDonalds down the street and I want a Big Mac! Germany gave a 'I'm done I give up' look and replied "lunch break approved. Everyone come back in a half hour." And he sat down in his seat to be forced to eat pasta with Italy. Nations quickly got up to get their lunch.

Yass biotch! It burger time!! America got up to hurry and get her juicy Big Mac but suddenly stopped and then continued on her way. Ow my boobs hurt!! It's not FUCKN easy pretending to be a guy man. Having to bandage up my babies who were dying to be shown off to the world. But sadly I can't because Alfred F. Jones, the personification of America, a world power is a man.

Why does America dress as a man? Well that answer lies in her past before her colony days.

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