Show time

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So I discovered high school is nothing like high school musical. I feel betrayed.... so ya sry if it takes forever to update story but AP homework sucks ass. Sooo thanks for reading! Much appreciated! On to da story. ^J^

Amelia got off the plane and called New York. America's states were personified and so was Canada's territories. Though Canada didn't know his territories were personified. I guess it was just a mother's instinct.

"Yo Joe!!!" The American practically yelled into the phone gaining strange looks from people.

"Ya mom?" Joseph or New York said in his Brooklyn accent. "Do ya mind not yelling.. I didn't get much sleep last night..."

"And why was that?" Amelia asked ordering a coffee and proceeding to find somewhere to sit.

" I blame Cali.. he's just so uuuuuuugh..!!" New York said annoyingly. "Thinking he can just call me in the middle of the night and telling me my baseball teams suck. BITCH GOT A LOT OF NERVE! MY STATE is KNOWN for BASEBALL. And just belviwkf  ksiwlslcc!!!!!!"

Amelia heard muffle screams and chuckled to herself. "Well Joseph.. when are you going to come pick me up at the airport?"

"I'm here right now. Where are- never mind I see you." And with that a black sports car (idk a lot about cars) pulled up at the curve of the airport and out came a man a little younger than Amelia. He had a tan trench coat, blue jeans,  a crisp white "I love New York" shirt, and black converse. "Mornin' Ma!" The  New Yorker called as he walked over to Amelia grabbing her luggage and putting it in the car. His jet black hair flowing in the wind combing it back with his hand. His hair was the same length as Canada's, and his skin very pale making his blue eyes pop out.

"So where you staying at mom?" He said as Amelia got into the car and was starting the car again. "Can we stop somewhere to eat first? I'm hungry." Amelia said with puppy eyes. "Ya ok mom. But you shouldn't be making that face to me... it's just scary.." Joseph shivered. " Amelia pouted. "Don't be like that." New York shakes his head. "So wanna stay at my place? It's closer and you look really exhausted." "Thanks son. I'd appreciate that. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE FOOD!!" "Would you settle for a pizza from last night?" New York said sighing it's a wonder how mom is able to hide her gender all this time. But then again mom is pretty smart. She does lecture at Harvard occasionally. "Ya I guess that would be fine." The American yawned tiredly. Can't wait to change into something more free. My boobs hurt. They pulled up in front of an apartment building around 5 pm. New York helped her with her luggage. "So mom the pizza is in the fridge and you know everything else. I'm going over to Cali's to show him what happens when you diss New York!" The state grabbed his baseball bat and smiled innocently. "Joe remember last time," last time New York hit him so hard the San Francisco earthquake happened, "Don't do anything dumb. Kay kid." Kay mom!" New York hummed happily out the door. Oh California..may god be with you.

Amelia went into the bathroom and tiredly took off her clothes and took a shower. Damn it feels good to give my cleavage some air. She got out of the shower and wore a huge t-shirt and she slipped on some underwear. She then walked or more like sleepwalked to the fridge ate some pizza and went to sleep in the guest room.

She dreamed about her colony days. She had met Canada for the first time and they played together everyday. It was happy times. Where she had no care in the world. Ring...ring...RING.  Amelia woke up annoyed too the sound of her cell phone screaming at her to answer it. Ugh it's fucking 8 in the ducking morning .. What the fuck!!  Fucking economy is being stupid and the fucking elections are coming up. God my head hurts so much. GOD DAMMIT WHY DOES THIS YEARS ELECTION HAVE TO BE SO UGH???!!!! "Hello?" Amelia asked annoyingly not bothering to use her male voice. "Hello, um is Ame- Alfred there? Am I interrupting something?" Amelia frozed at England's voice. Oh. My. Fucking. God. "Hello miss? Is Alfred there? I would like to talk to him." She heard Frances 'honhonhoning' in the background. Oh god am I on speaker..... "Hello?" The British voice snapped her out of her horrified trance. "Ya I'll go get him," she said. "Aaaaalfreeed, wake up someone's calling you." Lord I hope they fall for this facade. "Ye-ah?" She tried to sound tired in her male voice, then switching to her girl one, "someone is calling you. I'll leave the phone here." She put down the the phone then picked it up and answered with her male voice. "Hello? This is Alfred." Dear god be the dumbasses you are and fall for this.. she was then bombarded with the Englishman's cursing including others. Nothing new. As long as they don't know I'm a girl. She put in her mask. Show time. "HEY IGGY! What do you need?"
"Don't call me Iggy!!!"
"Awwww don't be like that Iggy!" She loved annoying him. "So what do you need?" She asked innocently.
"Well you bloody git. You're bloody late for the world meeting!"

Amelia was dumbfounded. The world meeting was yesterday.. omg..she replied nervously trying to hold back not ranting into the phone. Her smile twitches. My fucking head hurts man. Please good sir, go fuck France or whatever you guys do!! "I'm sorry what do you mean world meeting?" She could feel the nations on the other line face palming.
"Bloody hell maybe if you were actually listening for once the second part of the meeting is in YOUR damn country! I swear I thought I raised you to be a gentlemen-" England continued to rant as Amelia tried to keep calm. Ok meeting in my country. Ok. God! Just wows man. I'm sorry I wasn't listening. Maybe I'm in intense pain!! Maybe it's hard to breathe when I do bondage! Maybe the economy is pulling bull. Maybe my government is being dicks!! God the presidential elections are killing me!! Ugh everyone go fuck each other!!! She calmed herself down and gave an obnoxious laugh, "Oh I forgot! Sorry! Haha! So where the meeting at brah!"
"Bloody git, its in New York." Thank god it was near here.
"I'll be there in an hour." She s then hanged up. And have fun with France tonight! I know what you do with him!!!

She quickly started to carefully bandage of her babies. Ugh I can't breathed. So ducking stressed. She then threw on some clothes from New York's closet. Thank god he was a business man. Despite his looks New York actually pulled the strings of Wall Street . I raised an awesome son. Why are all his suits all fancy! I guess he has an image to keep up. Oh well this will do. She wore a plaid shirt and wore  a tanned sweater over it, slipped on a black blazer and blue jeans. She combed her hair and slipped on some brown dress shoes and looked in the mirror. I look awesome. She put on her glasses and grabbed her brief case. She looked back in the mirror. Ha the other nations are going to be so surprised when I come in looking fresh as fuck. She chuckled to herself and left a note for New York for when he got back.

As she sat inside the taxi and thought about how she should've brought some aspirin. But sadly she was in a rush. She got out of the cab and payed the driver. She walked in front of the meetings doors. Show time bitches! Her stomach growled Damn should've stopped to get food, I'm starving. Oh what I would do for a burger.

A/n so ya.. I didn't know where I was going with this. I hoped you liked it. And I'm going to try get the next chapter up tomorrow. Hopefully.

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