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Amelia led Mexico who was muttering shit in Spanish to the couch while Canada stood there flabbergasted.
"Matt wanna sit in the couch? I think you should sit before I explain anything." Amelia said calmly with Virginia and New York behind her. Canada sat on the couch. "If you don't mind I gotta talk to Virginia and New York first. Texas you're on guard duty. And please don't kill them. Their your family." Texas stood there still ready to shoot. "Ya ma. Got it. No killing....."Amelia looked at her brothers who were utterly confused and went to have a private talk with the two states.

Virginia had a stressed look on her face while New York has a straight face. "How are you able to keep that face?.." Virginia asked nervously. New York shrugged. "I'm just as much of a nervous wreck like you are. I'm just good at hiding it. Cause you know Wall Street..." "Oh right. Ya I remember." Amelia then walked into the room they were in and closed the door behind them. "So. Where do we start?"

Their little meeting consisted of a freaked out Virginia and a stoned face New York. And with an Amelia who now sympathized with Germany about meetings. But in the end they agreed to come clean with Canada and Mexico. It would be the best for the family. Amelia reassured herself.

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