Confessions were made

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Amelia walked into the living room with New York and Virginia following behind. "So ya bros I'm a girl if you couldn't already tell." She bluntly said while waving to her chest. Mexico and Canada sat there utterly speechless. "Guys. You know it's rude to leave a girl hanging." New York cheerfully cheered in a mater in fact voice. Virginia punched him. "Joseph. Learn to read the atmosphere. Dear lords you're acting like Italy." "You realize Italy is a fuckn genius right? Ever heard of the renaissance? So thank you for comparing me to Italy. I love Italian food. Especially pizza!" You could see the steam coming out of the Virginian's ears. New York was smiling victoriously. "Suck it Emmy!" Virginia was about to punch the New Yorker when America held her shoulder smiling and giving an aura worser than Russia's. Virginia started shaking not daring to turn around. New York seeing his mother started to back away to only be caught by Amelia. Canada and Mexico stared at Amelia in shock. Is she on her period!!!!!
"Joseph Jones. Emily Jones. Can you go one day without fighting. Can't you see that your uncles are here?" Amelia smiled staring at her nodding states. "Ok. So back to business. Matt. Al. I'm a girl. I am your sister not your brother. And my name is Amelia F. Jones. And these three are some of my states. So where do you want me to begin." Amelia stated cheerfully going back to her cheerful voice.

Texas came through the door, "soooooooo anyone want Chinese? Y'all started fighting so I went to get the Chinese. Dear Christ you guys act like children." Texas said while slurping noodles. Everyone in the room face palmed.

A/n- sry its pretty short..... like I'm really sorry it's Asian size. Soooo ya. I'll get next chapter up "soon" :P

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