The talk

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"DON'T FEAR THE HERO IS HERE!!!!!" Amelia screamed in her  Alfred persona. Dear Jesus I'm loud.. I give myself headaches. She walked into the now silent conference room who were gawking at how the American looked. Amelia feeling the stares told the nations who resembled fish right now, "So guys.. uh um..meeting?" She then sat in her seat. That's right bitches look how on fleek I look!!!!! Hahahahaha!

Germany being the first to get back to reality remembered how pissed he was that the American was late. "AMERICA VHY ARE YOU LATE!" Other nations snap out their stare and looked at American looking for a answer. Fucking bitchy ass Germany! I was hoping you bitches will be too stunned by my awesomeness to remember I was late.

"I will also like to know Amerique. Ohonhonhonhon." France added doing his creepy ass laugh. Damn frenchie!

"Well uh you see.." Amelia rubbed the back of her neck. Fuck me.. Holy Roman Empire! Mama Mia!

"Well.." England said doing a hand gesture suggesting the American answered already. I hope France rapes you in your sleep.

"I was late cause-" France then interrupted, "who was that girl on the phone! Ohonhon x 10000000!" Fuck you france I hope you die from England's food. Other nations started nodding in agreement.

"I uh I can explain!! Well you see.. THAT WAS THE MY MAID!!!!!" Fuuuuuuuuck me.. I'm so dead. There was dead silence in the conference room.

France started ohonhonhoning. England evolved into a fish, Canada just shook his head. China said 'western countries are so immature' fuck you china. Says the one always complaining about western countries. Damn pretty boy! Russia just sat there, Japan  gave Amelia a sympathetic look, and the list goes on. Omg F. M. L. I want to crawl into a hole and cry then slowly die!! Amelia then put her head down so she didn't have to look at anyone. England then got up and tapped America's shoulder. I swear if he talks to me about puberty. God my headache is back.. the presidential debate is making me so nervous. Nervous as in ''lord save me!' Behind England was France and Canada. "If you would excuse us Germany. We would like to talk to America." Germany gave an understanding nod and looked to Amelia as if to say good luck. Germany remembered when Prussia gave himself the talk about puberty. Puberty was a scary thing. Amelia looked around the room to see others giving her pity. As she left the room she yelled back, "FOR THE RECORD I DID NOT SLEEP WITH MY MAID!" Nations shook their head and thought, he's in denial.

"Now America. Puberty is something that happens to everyone." Amelia started crying in the inside as she heard France and England talk about puberty. The worst part. It was about how GUYS go through puberty. Canada stood there. He already got the talk from France. And let's just say he had it way worst.

By the time they were done it was time for lunch break. Amelia didn't dare look at anyone. She could feel their stares judging her. Kill me. She walked to her chair and put her head down. She needed time to process what England and France said. Men are so durjxiso ieowojedjdjfj!! Amelia looked at her phone it was 12:30 pm. I don't feel like eating for once. Amelia sat there the whole time ignoring everyone around her. When lunch was over Germany started he meeting again and looked at the American. Mein gott, have mercy on the American's soul.

A/n ya so I had another version of this chapter up and took it down because I wasn't happy with it. So now Amelia has 2 secrets: her gender and that her states are personified ( no one but her knows about the personifications of her and Canada's country ). I like how this chapter turned out better so ya! If you read the other one about Texas pretend that never happened please. Sorry if this was short but I'm working on the other one right now. Should be up soon! Till next time bros!

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