One sob story later...

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After Amelia told Canada of Native America and how she was able to hide her gender.. they were a crying mess....

"IM SORRY!" Canada wailed hugging his sister.
"Stop crying... cause if you cry... then I'm going to.. *sniff* cryyyyyy! And heroes don't cry......" Amelia joined her brother's crying and returned the hug.
"I won't let anyone hurt you. If anyone does I will drown them in maple." Canada said determined. Amelia felt 200+ years of bottle up feelings coming out. Canada patted Amelia's back trying to soothe her.

One sob story later..

Canada wiped away his tears. And remembered something important. Maple I almost forgot....

"What's wrong broski? Is there anything I, the hero, can help with?" Amelia said half sniffing. Canada answered, "No it's just... I came over to your house for a reason actually.. but I kinda forgot to tell you cause you know like um uh..."
"Well spit it out bro." Amelia was genuinely curious. "There's a G8 meeting next week..."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN A  MEETING! DIDN'T WE JUST HAVE ONE!" Amelia bursted. Canada shifted, "Well your elections are coming up sooooo.." "Oh." "Yeah... soooooo..." "You can stay over if you want..." "Thanks sis!" "Well I am the hero..." Amelia said in a hero pose.

Le time skip

"Mattie hurry up! We're going to miss the flight!" Amelia said dragging suitcases into the car. "I need to find Kumajirou! I'm not leaving without him!!!" Canada lifted the couch, "WHERE ARE YOU." Amelia finished packing and noticed something in the passenger seat. Something white and fluffy. "MATTIE YOUR GOD FORSAKEN POLAR BEAR IS IN THE CAR! Now get in here." Amelia demanded. As they drove away Canada scoffed, "Well this godforsaken polar bear has a name. It's Kumajirou." Amelia ignored him. This is going to be a long flight..

One flight later

"Finally!!!!!" Amelia yelled Earning stares. Thank God no one notices me... Canada thought. "Sooo where's Japan?" Amelia asked. "He said he would pick us up... " Amelia started to fix her hair, "What're you staring at?" Canada, being raised by France, "my romance senses are tingling! And you like japan! Did I guess right sis!" Amelia covered her northern brother's mouth while blushing, "Not so loud I'm in alfred mode!" "Oh yeah huh.. But still.. japan~ awwwwww your so cute when you blush!!" Amelia wanted to kill herself right there and now. What is life.."Oh hey Japan!" Canada waved. Amelia frozed and turned around stiffly. "Hello America-san and.... eeto.." "Canada. My name is Canada." Amelia laughed. Take that. "Ah yes, Canada-san. Well we should head over to the hotel."

When they reached the hotel Amelia frozed. "Yo is this... a hot springs....." "Hai, it is. I chose this location because America-san is probally stressed. And a hot spring is the perfect place to unwind. Is there something wrong?" He noticed his guests were stunned. "Nothing's wrong... hehe he.." Canada quickly stuttered. "Ok then.. well here are your rooms." "Um japan.." "Yes America-san?" "Don't you like.. get naked.. in..a hot spring...." "yes....." "Ok then... well ima hit the hay... haha jet lag.." Japan bowed and left confused.

Amelia then dragged Canada into her room. "What am I going to dooooo." She shaked Canada roughly, "well first stop shaking me. And second I DONT KNOW." Amelia was having a panic attack and Canada was going on to 'Big brother' mode.

"Ok... um let's calm down." Canada put down his weapon while Amelia took deep breathes. "Ok I think I know what to do... so uh Matt remember im Alfred and I'll she rest. Canada started to pick up his weapon when ameoau held his hand, "Trust me.. ok?" Amelia made a puppy dog face. Canada softened up, "Fine... " he said defeated.

Japan later called everyone to the meeting.

Amelia's summary of the meeting

- Germany got mad and blew a fuse

- Canada was not seen

- France got naked

- France and England started fighting

- Italy screamed pasta and ve-ed

- Japan kept a straight face

- Russia scared the shit out of italy

- Everyone told me not to give up and gave me condolences for my election.

- then it got hectic and Germany got mad and called the meeting over

- and now we head to the hot springs! Yay

Canada looked at Amelia who gave a reassuring smile. Here we go she thought as she entered the changing room. Come on I'm the fuckn USA. I raised California and I seen him naked plenty of times... this is no Amelia saw the g8 undress... omg... they're all fukn... fuck.. Amelia looked down. She did not want to look up for shit. Canada looked at his sister concerned..

France who was the first done to undress looked at Amelia. "America why aren't you undressing ohonhon is little america shy!" Alfred said nothing. "Don't bother him frog. He's always been like this. Always shy about his body and never letting me bathe him as a child." Amelia bit her lip. "I think America is embarrassed about his  size da?" Fuck you commie. France ohonhoned. "Ca-can I come back later... um... BYE!" Amelia said quickly and ran out the door. Fuck that. Fuck that shit. Canada looked at his polar bear, "I should've known.." "who are you?" "I'm Canada.."

In the hot springs

The rest of the g8 minus America entered the hot springs.

"Ve~ I didn't know America was shy about his body. Doistu~ what do you think?"

"Italy, you should respect America's choice.."

"He's just sad that I'm bigger than him. Kol kol kol. ^J^"

"Sooo~ does anyone wanna join me? Ohonhon~"

"What do you mean frog?"

"How about we stalk america when he goes into the hot springs!"

"Vee~ I want to go!"


"Come on doistu! Please~" Italy clung to Germany's arm.

"Nien.... fine..."


"I might as well go too then.. There's no telling what you wankers will do. And i don't want you guys giving a bad name to Europe."

"Ohonhon~ anyone else wanna join~"

"Kol kol I would like to go to da~"

"I'll go as well then." Japan did not want them to mess up his hot spring."

"Ok then it's settled we'll all stalk America then. If anyone objects please do so right now or forever hold your peace. Hmm no one? Ok! Ohonhon~"

Canada sighed. "They always forget me."

The G8 left the hot springs to carry out their plan.

Sry if it was kinda rushed.. I just want to get to the good shit. ;O till next time.

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