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Ya so I redid the chapter 'Lousiana' and bam. Enjoy. It's pretty long.. mostly banter I guess..

"So.... Uh MATTIE?? EARTH TO MATTIE!" Amelia was starting to worry about her brother who was in a daze. Canada looked to Amelia, "How many is 50 again..." Amelia facedpalmed. But she couldn't blame him for the question.. I mean you find out your brother is a fuckn girl and that she had 50 kids... which raises the question.... "Amelia." Canada looked at his sister trying to find the right words, "HOW IN THE FUKN MAPLE WORLD DID U HAVE KIDS! DID ENGLAND RAPE YOU OR SOME SHIT! NO WAIT! I BET IT WAS SPAIN. DAMN THAT PEDO!! OR WAS IT PAPA FRANCE!!! Amelia wtf..." Canada was breathing hard now trying to breathe.

Amelia was blushing hard now. "FUCKN DUMMY WHY WOULD I GET RAPED. No. I did not get raped. They sorta just..uh.. pop up?" Canada just cocked his head to the side, "pop...up? You mean like nations?..." Amelia gave a shrug and answered awkwardly, "I guess..." There was a pause. The two siblings looked at each other waiting for one of them to talk.

"Soooooo.." Canada decided to break the silence, "You raised 50 kids all by yourself?" Amelia shifted, "Well yes and no.. The first 13 colonies were raised by humans till I found out my states were personified. Which was around.. Well when Iggy started to be a douche. So when they popped up they were all babies..  so my citizens being the awesome people they were took them in.. They noticed that the 13 didn't age.. normal.. so they abandoned them out of fear cause Salem witch trials .. so blah blah they finally found themselves to me.. and it was like a mother's institution so yeah family reunion and shit.. hehe so yeah that's basically the original 13's background." Amelia looked at her brother who was staring at the doorway. Amelia followed her gaze to find New York and Virginia.. they had saddened expressions.

"Did you dudes just.. I'm so sorry..I didn't mean.." Amelia got up half way to be stopped. "It's ok mum." Virginia said with a smile. "Yeah mom don't worry about us.. that's.." New York's furrowed his eyebrows, "in the past.." Canada stared at the three personifications, he did not like this tense mood. Then an idea hit him. "So you guys want some of THE AWESOME CANADA'S HOMEMADE YUMMY MAPLELY PANCAKES!" Amelia smiled at her brother, "You're acting like prussia now." The two states laughed. "I am the AWESOME PRUSSIA bow down to my AWESOME!!" Virginia looked to her brother, New York. "That was such a bad imitation of Prussia.." New York gasped and dramatically clutched his heart. "It's more like.." Virginia got ready, "I AM ZHE AWESOME PRUSSIA!! I AM TO AWESOME FOR ALL OF YOU!!YOU GUYS ARE SO BLESSED TO BE IN ZHE AWESOME ME, PRUSSIA'S PRESENCE. HAHA COME DRINK BEER WIH THE AWESOME PRUSSIA! BEER! BEER! BEER! end of imitation." Everyone stared at Virginia for a good 1 minute and bursted into laughter. "That. *Canada wiped a tear" was beautiful. Well then I should get those pancakes ready." The four walked out the room, Amelia then thought happily to herself, It feels nice not to keep secrets from Mattie. 

~Time skip brought to you by Gilbird!!! Kesesesesese~

New York stared at the towering pancake tower in front of him. He along with Virginia gulped.

Amelia thanking Canada for the meal started to dig in and noticed her states not eating. "Whyah au nghuys nah e-ingh" Amelia said to her kids with a stuffed mouth. "It's rude to talk with your mouth open sis." Canada sighed, I guess some things don't change.. america will be america. "Well then.. dig in. Your food is going to get cold~" Canada said with a sing song voice. The two states looked to their mother who gave a quick nod. As they took a bite the reached mapley heaven. "So good!" They said in unison and Canada smiled at the scene. Amelia stuffing her face with pancakes and two states in pancake heaven.

When things settled down Canada decided to ask Amelia about her other states. "Oh. Well, I raised all my other states from babies.. yup! It was hard work.. *Amelia shivered* diapers... crying.. yup... having to watch the 13... memories.." Canada laughed picturing Amelia taking care of kids. Amelia pouted, "It's not funny!" Virginia sighed and looked to New York, "Mom acts so whiney sometimes.." New York nodded in agreement. This made Amelia pout more. "At least I'm not China.. Aiya! Western nations so immature aru. Aru aru aru A FUCKN RU"

Banter with Canada

"So Louisiana purchase." Canada said flatly.
"Dont ever bring up France around her..." Amelia warned.
"I like France!" Virginia chimed. "Better than England." New York gave an approving nod.

"He's the sweetest cinnamon roll ever!" Amelia cooed. "Nothing like that commie!"

Canada watched as the three cooed about her.
"She's so sweet! But she's... been quiet.. ever since pearl harber..." Amelia gave a sad smile.

"Do you have any love interests?"
Amelia blushed.
New York and Virginia listened intensely.
"No comment." Amelia huffed.
Canada and the states decided to end it there.

"So states are also the children of other nations?"
"So new Mexico?"
"They are influenced.. and uh.. just don't question it.."

End of banter

"Bye mum!" Virginia hugged her mother. "I got to be leaving now. Bye uncle Canada! Your pancakes were to die for.. maybe I should try my hand in it.."New York gave a, 'not if I can help it!' look. "Bye mom. Uncle." New York waved and walked away with Virginia.

"Now that we're alone... Amelia um.. How were you able to keep your secret for so long?..."

Extra #1

Prussia was drinking his morning beer with his wurst. "Ah. An awesome breakfast for zhe awesome me. Don't you agree Gilbird?"
Germany facpalmed.
Prussia continued with his breakfast and paused.
"What's wrong bruder?" Germany asked.
"My awesome senses are tingling. Someone is talking about zhe awesome me."
"Of course.. of course.."

Extra #2

Mexico and Texas met at the usual spot ,in which I cannot name, after they left Amelia's.
"Nice to see you again uncle."
"Same to you."
They started having a conversation about how they adored Amelia until they were interrupted.
New York and Virginia stood in front of them.
"So uncle Mexico.. you knew mom was a girl all along?" New York inquired.
Mexico nodded.
"Well don't go to overboard with the stalking..." Virginia warned.
And with that new York and Virginia left.
"So about those pictures of mom sleeping..." Mexico told Texas in a hushed voice.

Extra #3

"What is wrong china-san?" Japan asked worried. China looked to Japan. "Someone out there is aru-ing... and they're not doing it right. It's aru not aru." Japan just sighed.

Sry it took long to update :P writer's block hehe... Plz don't hurt me.... might go back and edit this.. cause like grammar mistakes and whatnot.

America is a GIRL?!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang