My Best Friend's the Hottest Girl in School

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Riley’s P.O.V.

Hey! My name is Riley Hope. Yes, my last name is Hope. Don’t ask why because I have no idea why. Anyway, I’m a senior at Elizabeth’s Boarding High School. As you can probably tell from the name, it’s a boarding school just for high schoolers. Before you ask, yes I do live in the dorms here, most students do. I’ve been here since freshman year; so to say I know the school would be an understatement. Enough about school, you guys are probably wondering what I look like.  I have straight, medium length, dark brunette hair; hazel eyes; and I’m part Filipino. To say the least I’m pretty average, unlike my best friend Amanda Ferrari. She has long curly blond hair, blue eyes, and tan skin. Oh did I mention she’s also the hottest girl in my school. Yeah, you wouldn’t think we would be friends. I mean I’m the girl who just blends in with the crowd, while Amanda sticks out in very good way. We’re so different, yet so alike. We have so much in common.

Now, you’re probably wondering how we met. Well, back in freshman year Amanda and I were roommates, and let me tell you when I first walked into the room and saw her I thought she was one of those stuck up rich girls. Turns out she was the exact opposite, well except for the rich part. We instantly became friends, and now we’re like sisters.

Our friendship is the best, but because Amanda’s the hottest girl in school and I’m her best friend guys come up to me constantly asking me to put in a good word with Amanda for them or for me to give her their number. Sometimes guys act like they’re my friend just so I’ll introduce them to Amanda. But you see the thing is, I have a rule, I don’t play matchmaker. I let Amanda find the guys, or I tell the guys if they want her then they need to talk to her themselves. Amanda knows this and she’s grateful that I have this rule.

Toby’s P.O.V.

Hello, I’m Toby O’Hagan. I just transferred to Elizabeth’s Boarding High School. I decided to transfer since my twin sister, Tina, wouldn’t shut up about how great this school is, so we talked to our parents and they thought it was a great idea. They thought it was such a great idea that they talk to my best friend’s, John Harn, parents to see if him and his twin sister, Jessica Harn, could transfer too, that way we would both have our best friend with us.  Now I know what you’re thinking twins are best friends with another set of twins, how is that possible? Well, to tell you the truth I have no idea. It just sort of happened.

Now you probably want to know what I look like. Well, I have short light, almost blond, brunette hair; blue eyes; and tan skin. My sister looks the same, except she has green eyes.



Hey Guys! So this is my new story, yay! Anyway, I know this chapter sucks and it's short, but the chapters will get better and longer. I promise the next chapter will be longer.

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