Chapter 18

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Riley's P.O.V.

Meeting my niece was the best experience ever. She’s so cute. I swear she’s the cutest four year old ever! Ryan was right about the questions. Man, she had some really tough questions. I thought I was never going to be able to answer some of them. Sad thing is that she looks more like Sarah then Ryan. Sarah was pretty cool. I never really knew her when I was younger. Anyway, after Sarah and Alice got home, Ryan explained who we were and Alice accepted us right away. She gave us all nicknames too. She calls Jake, Uncle Jaybird, since he said he was as free as a bird. She calls me, Aunt RyRy, and she even calls Toby, Uncle Toe, I don’t know why though.

“-and that’s why John is my best friend ever!” Amanda says bringing me out of my thoughts. I glare at her. “Correction, why John is my best GUY friend ever!” She says putting an inference on ‘guy’, since she saw my glare. Okay, your probably wondering where the heck I am. Well, today’s the last day of school, and luckily Amanda, John, Toby, and I were all assigned to read our reports today.  As you can tell I kind of zoned out. John went first, then Amanda, and next is either me or Toby, depending on which one of us wants to go first.

“Very good, Amanda.” Mr. Loco says as Amanda sits down. He then turns to me and Toby. “Who’s going first? Mr. O’Hagan or Miss. Hope?” I start to get up, but Toby grabs my arm and I sit back down.

“I will” Toby says and makes his way to the podium set up in the front. He takes a deep breath and then starts. “As most of you know I was partnered up with Riley Hope, the girl whose best friends with Amanda Ferrari, the nerd in the shadows, the girl who never really speaks in public, but that’s not all she is. She’s the strongest girl I’ve meet. She’s been through so much, yet here she is every day with a smile on her face. She’s not one to talk, because things have happened in her life that makes her scarred to talk, to open up to people. Heck, it took me two weeks to finally get a small piece of who she really is. And no, she’s not a bad person at all. She quite the opposite. She’s sweet, kind, loving, forgiving, honest, humble, and most of all, the best person you’ll ever meet. Not only that, but she loves food. I mean the girl can eat. She also loves her messed up family, but I’m not going to get into that, because she would probably kill me if I did. Riley isn’t like most girls. She’s different. She likes to hide in the background. She’s not a big fan of being the center of attention. She actually likes school, and has grades so high it makes me wonder if I’ll ever be able to reach them. She’s not the most popular girl, but she doesn’t care and quite frankly neither do I. She loves life; even after all she’s been though. She hates to see people get hurt.  And if you really knew her, you’d know she’s the most sarcastic, high tempered girl you ever met, but that’s okay, because that’s just Riley and I wouldn’t change a thing. She’s also the best girlfriend ever, might I add. Which is why this shadows hiding, school loving nerd has stolen my heart, and I love her.” He finishes and makes eye contact with me. He has the biggest smile on his face and I know mine mirrors his.

“WOW! I don’t think in all my years of teaching I’ve ever heard a report this emotional. Fantastic job, Toby.” Mr. Loco says as Toby goes to sit down and I go up to the podium.

“Wow, how do I top that?” I start. “Well as most of you know Toby here is new this year, therefore not many of you know him. I’ve spent the past five months getting to know him, and I can honestly say he’s one of the best people I’ve ever had the chance to meet. He’s caring, honest, and loving, kind of like me, but also not like me. You see I’ve been through a lot in my life from abandonment to abuse, and Toby has been there to help me through it. My parents abandon me and my two brothers; yeah I bet you didn’t know I had an older brother also. Anyway, my Uncle would abuse all of us when our parents just left us on the front porch of his house. But you know what none of that matters right now because of Toby. He made me feel as though all of that was just some nightmare. He makes me feel as though I’m not alone, even though I never really was. And when my older brother came back into my life after five years, Toby was there to help me though that even though I had forgiven my brother it still hurt, and Toby was there to get me past it. In a way Toby has become my rock. He’s helped me in so many ways my own brother couldn’t. He’s one of the best guys you’ll ever meet, because, unlike most people, he cares. He’s so nice and sweet. And that’s why he’s stolen my heart just as well, and I love him so much that I don’t know what I would do without him, and I don’t plan on ever finding out.” I look at Toby as I feel the tears streaming down my face, and look to see he’s in tears too.

“Sorry Toby, but I think your girlfriend here just beat your report.” Mr. Loco says with tears in his eyes. “Okay class dismissed.” He says as he dries his eyes. I walk over to Toby and hug him. Once we pull away, we stare into each other’s eyes.

“I love you.” I say.

“I love you more.” Toby says. I kiss him with as much passion and love as I have for him and he does the same. Soon the kiss starts to get heated. We pull away when someone clears their throat.

“Um, wanna take that to your house? I’ll tell Jake not to come by there and for him to call Ryan and makes sure he doesn’t show up there.” Amanda says. Toby and I both blush. “I’ll take that as a yes.” She says and walks off out of the classroom.

“Well, what do you say want to head out to my place?” I ask Toby.

“Are you sure?” He asks.

“Never been more sure” I say. Tonight’s going to be the best night of my life. I think as I grab Toby’s hand and we’re off to my house.



Hey Guys! Happy Friday! I can't believe there's only two more chapters, and there won't be a sequel. Sorry guys :(

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