Chapter 16

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Riley’s P.O.V.

I’m currently sitting in my living room on a chair with ropes tying me to it. Why, you may ask. Well as soon as Toby and I got to the house, we found Jake and Ryan already here. How they got here so fast is beyond me. Well anyway, as soon as we got out of the car, my lovely brothers’ grabbed me and tied me to this chair. Then they grabbed Toby and went into one of the rooms, my guess would be Jake’s room.  I’ve been stuck in this chair for thirty minutes now and my behind is really starting to hurt. I know what you’re thinking, why not try and get free. Well, you see my brothers both went off to some camp every summer that thought you how to tie knots, restrain people, and self-defiance. While I on the other hand went to Camp Sunshine where they taught me how to cook, bake, and decorate. Yeah, so to say I wasn’t getting out of here, on my own, would be an understatement.

“Ryan!” I yell trying to get them to come out, and as suspected I get no answer.

“Jake!” I try this time and again nothing. I’m not even going to call Toby, because he’s held in their by my brothers so it’s a waste of breath. I think for a minute before I remember a safe word my brothers and I came up with when we were little and we stayed with our uncle, our always drunk off his ass uncle might I add.

“Cherry!” I yell, and what do you know it works, because the next thing I know is both my brothers are running frantically into the living room. Ryan with a bat, and Jake with a shoe; wow Jake a shoe, how is a shoe going to save me?

“What? What happened?” Ryan yells at me.

“My butt hurts, mind letting me go?” I ask innocently. Both my brothers glare at me.

“Riley! We thought something was seriously wrong, like Uncle Brian had found us. Ugh!” Jake says. I go to say sorry, but Ryan cuts in.

“You know you’re not supposed to use the safe word unless Uncle Brian is around.” Ryan scolds me.

“I’m sorry, I won’t do it again.” I say sadly. After a few seconds a smirk forms on my face. “Now, that you’re here, can you please untie me?” I ask. Ryan and Jake look at each other and then smirk, oh no. They go to say something, but before they can Toby speaks up. Huh, I thought he was tied up in one of the rooms. I guess I was wrong.

“Sure” Toby says smugly and looks at my brothers with a smirk. Toby walks towards me, but my brothers pull him back. Oh come on, my butt is killing me!

“Uh, no I don’t think so.” Ryan and Jake say at the same time. I swear they can read each other’s minds.

“Ryan, please?” I all but beg him.

“Nope” Ryan says.

“Jake?” I ask sweetly.

“Sorry, no can do, sis.” Jake says.

“Ugh!” I yell. “Fine, if you don’t untie me in the next five seconds, I’ll scream!” I say knowing how much they hate it when I scream.

“You wouldn’t!” Ryan and Jake say at the same time.

“Oh, she would.” Toby says smugly. Ryan and Jake let out a defeated sigh and let Toby go. Toby walks over to me and takes out his pocket knife to cut me lose. Once I’m free I jump up.

“Yes, I’m FREE!” I yell, then I turn to my oh so dead brothers. “And I’m going to kill you two.” Ryan and Jake look at each other before turning and running.

“Only if you can catch us!” Ryan yells. I look at Toby.

“Naw, I’m good, this is your fight anyway.” Toby says and sits on the couch. Well fine then Mr. Lazypants I don’t need your help anyway. I take off running after my dumb brothers. When I finally catch up to them, I find them standing by the pool with their backs turned to me. I slowly walk up behind them, and right when I’m behind them I yell, “Morons!” Which causes them to jump and they lose their balance and fall into the pool. Once they resurface they glare at me.

My Best Friend's the Hottest Girl in Schoolजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें