Chapter 13

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Riley’s P.O.V.

I woke up this morning with a smile on my face. I can’t believe today’s the day! I’m so happy! Okay, you’re probably wondering what today is, well today’s my 18th birthday! I’m now legally an adult!

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RILEY!!!!!” Amanda shouts when I get out of bed.

“Thanks, but do you have to be so loud?” I ask rubbing my ears.

“No, but I wanted to be.”

“No, you wanted to make me deaf.”

“That too” She says with a smirk. I pick up my pillow and throw it at her, and of course she catches it. Seeing as she wasn’t off guard.

“Whatever” I get up and walk over to my closest to pick out my outfit for the day.

“Well, I’m going to meet John. I’ll see you later.” She says as she makes her way to the door, but I stop her before she opens it.

“You and John have gotten pretty close, haven’t you?”

“Yeah, he’s like the brother I never had.”

“Are you sure he’s just a brother to you?”

“Yep” She says popping the ‘p’. “Besides he’s still in love with some girl he was with over the summer.”

“I’m sorry”

“I’m not, honestly Riley, if I liked him you would be the first to know.”

“Okay, see ya!”

“Bye” She says and walks out the door. Hmm, I wonder if John’s still stuck on Tina. I remember Tina telling me that she went out with John over the summer, but it ended badly. I make a mental note to talk to John. Hey, maybe he’ll open up to me, after all I am his best friend’s girlfriend.

I finish looking through my closet, and find the perfect outfit. It’s a cream long sleeved peplum top with white skinny jeans, cream toms classic crochet shoes, and a gold ‘OMG’ necklace that comes down to my boobs. I set the outfit on my bed and go to take a shower. After I take a shower, I do my make-up. I put on foundation, a little bit of sparkly eye shadow that matches my skin tone, black eyeliner, black mascara, light pink blush, and a light pink lipstick. After I’m done with my make-up, I curl my hair, and spray hair spray in it. I put my outfit on, and with one last look in the mirror, I’m ready.

Just as I’m making my way to the door, someone bangs really loud on it.

“Riley, open the door before he kills me!” I hear Toby frantically yell from the other side of the door. I walk over to the door and open it. Toby runs in and slams the door shut behind him. Just as I’m about to ask what the hell happened, I hear Jake bang on my door.

“Toby, I know you’re in there, you can’t hide behind your girlfriend forever.” Jake says in a sinister voice. “Riley, dear sister, would you ever be so kind as to open the door for you dear old brother, so I can kill Toby.” This time he asks innocently.

“Not until I know why you want to kill my boyfriend.” I say.

“Ask him then” Jake says. I turn to Toby.

“What the hell did you do to piss him off?” I ask.

“Well, you see, I uh….” Toby starts.

“Toby, what did you do?” I ask.

“Yeah, Toby, what did you do?” I hear Jake say sarcastically through the door. I turn back to the door. “Jake, shut up!”

“Sorry, Riles” Jake says through the door. I turn back to Toby and raise an eyebrow. Toby sighs.

“I kind of, sort of found out what he got you for your birthday, and kind of, sort of broke it.” Toby says with a guilty face.

“You did what?!” I yell.

“Told you she wouldn’t save you!” I hear Jake say smugly through the door.

“I’m sorry, Riles. I’ll buy you a new one, I promise.” Toby says trying to calm me down. I bust out laughing. “Wait, you’re not mad?” He asks this with confusion laced all through his voice and all over his face.

“No” I say once I’ve calmed down. “You actually did me a favor. Jake gets me the same thing every year. You would think by now he would know I have enough coffee mugs to last me a life time.”

“Hey! Coffee mugs are cool!” Jake protests.

“They are, but you get me the same exact one every year.” I say.

“Really?” Toby says at the same time Jake says, “Opps”

“Yeah, now come on, we have classes to get too.” I grab Toby’s hand and start to walk out the door, but before I can Toby stops me.

“Riley, wait” He turns me around and pulls me to his chest to kiss me. After we pull away he says, “Happy Birthday, Riley.”

“Thanks” I say and pull him out the door to be greeted by Jake. He glares at Toby, but pulls me into a hug.

“Happy Birthday, sis” Jake says.

“Thank you” I say and we all walk to the main building. Once there, we split up to go to our separate classes.


Today’s been a great day, I think to myself as I make my way to the dorms. I just left my surprise party that my friends trough me. All I can say is best party ever! Actually it’s been the best day ever, but I can’t help feeling like something bad is about to happen. It’s like something in my gut’s telling me something I won’t like is about to happen. I finish my walk to the dorms. Just as I’m about to open the door to the girls’ dorms, I hear someone call my name, so I turn around to see the one person I never, ever wanted to see again.




Hey Guys! I decided to update today since it's my birthday, so I thought it would be fitting to write a chapter where it's Riley's birthday too. I'm a year younger than Riley, though.

Don't worry I'll still update tomorrow. I won't leave y'all hanging in suspense for long.

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