Chapter 6

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Riley’s P.O.V.

After saying goodbye to Toby, I make my way into the dorms and up to my room. I walk in to find John and Amanda quizzing each other. I guess they decided to start the project too.  John’s sitting on my bed, while Amanda is on hers.

“Oh, hey Riley, where have you been? I haven’t seen you since lunch.” Amanda asks once she notices me.

“I’ve been with Toby working on the project.” I say.

“Allow me to introduce myself, I’m-” John starts, but I cut him off.

“John Harn, Toby’s best friend, right?” I ask even though I know I’m right.

“Yeah, so he told you about me?” He asks.

“Don’t worry, all he told me is that your best friends, you both have twin sisters who are best friends, and you’re here because Toby wanted to shut his sister up and his parent thought it would be a great idea to have y’all transfer as well.” I say and he’s speechless for a minute.

“Wow, I can’t believe you remembered all that.” He says dumbfound.

“It’s really not that much to remember.” I say.

“I guess not. Well anyway, seeing as you’re back, I’m assuming Toby’s back as well?” He asks.

“Yes, he told me to tell you to meet him at the dorm’s lobby, if I saw you.” I say.

“Alright, thanks. I better get going. See you later, Amanda. It was nice meeting you, Riley.” He says, and walks to the door.

“Bye!” Amanda shouts.

“It was nice meeting you too, John.” I say before he closes the door. I then turn to Amanda. “Shall we go get dinner?”

“You can, but I’m not hungry. I think I’m just going to call it a night.” She says.

“But it’s only” I glance at the clock. “Seven fifteen.”

“I know, but I’m just really tired.”

“Okay, do you want me to bring you back anything?”

“No thanks, I’m good.”

“Alright, I’ll be back in a little bit.” I say and walk out the door.

On my way to the dining hall, I pass by a lot of groups and couples doing their usually thing. I’m half way to the dining hall when I get stopped by someone.

“Hey Riley” Derek says in a flirty tone. Oh great, not this again. I swear this happens every time I’m by myself.

“Hi Derek, look I don’t know how many times I’ve told you this, but if you want to get with Amanda do it yourself. I’m not going to talk to her for you. Actually, now that I think about it, maybe I will tell her about you.” I say and a look of hope comes across his face.


“Yeah, I’ll tell how annoying you are, and how you can’t leave people alone when they clearly tell you they’re not going to do something.” I say in a rather rude tone which causes a look of rage to appear on his face.

“Well, I’m sorry I really like her, and I’m scared of getting rejected!” He all but yells in my face.

“Look Derek, she’s going to reject you if I talk to her for you. Amanda likes guys who can just come up to her and tell her how they really feel, not guys who use her best friend to get to her.” I say calmly trying to calm him down.

“Really?” He asks guilty.

“Yeah, so please stop asking me to talk to her. Just man up and tell her how you really feel.”

“Okay, I’m sorry Riley.”

“It’s okay. All I’m asking is that you try and talk to her, okay?”

“Okay, thanks Riley.”

“Anytime” I say and we walk in opposite directions.


I finally make it to the dining hall without any other interruptions. I walk up to the line to get my food. Then I go sit down at mine and Amanda’s usually table, but because I’m late all of are, well Amanda’s, friends are gone. So I just sit at an empty table. I finish eating, and as I’m about to get up, over walks Robby and his stupid pack of guy friends.

“Hi Riley, how are you doing today?” Robby asks sweetly.

“I was fine until you walked over here.” I say rudely.

“Aw, that’s no way to treat your friend, Riles.” Robby says and his dumb pack snickers.

“We are so not friends, nor will we ever be. And don’t call me Riles.”

“Whatever, so have you talked to Amanda, yet?”

“No, have you?” I say sarcastically.

“No need to be feisty.” I roll my eyes when he says this. “Come on Riles, please talk to her for me?” He asks with a puppy dog look. Little does he know that doesn’t work for me. I actually hate when people do that.

“Okay, I’ll talk to her.”

“Really?” And just like Derek his face lights up with hope, but little does he know I’m about to crush him. Because unlike Derek, Robby is a complete jerk and manwhore. There is no way I’m letting him date my best friend just so he can get what he wants and then drop her.

“Yeah, I’ll tell her how you’re a huge jerk and a manwhore, and that you only care about one thing and once you get it, you’re just going to drop her for the next girl.” I say, and a look of pure outrage comes over his face. Then all of a sudden, I’m pushed against a wall and trapped between Robby’s arms and legs. I look around for help, but there’s no one else here other than his pack of stupid friends who all have a smug look on their faces.

“I am not a manwhore, but I am a powerful man. I have a lot of connections that you don’t even want to know about. I could have a lot of hurtful things done to you. You’ll do good to remember that Riley.” He says and then he starts walks off, but turns back to say, “Oh, and if you ever tell anyone about this conversation, well let’s just say, you won’t ever be able to talk again.” Then he walks off and out of the dining hall. Once he’s out of the dining hall, I fall on the floor shocked and, for the first time being at this school, scared.



Hey Guys! I am so sorry I didn't update Friday. I'm sick and on some medication, so I completely forgot. Please forgive me, but I am human and we all make mistakes. Thanks for understanding.

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