Chapter 8

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Riley’s P.O.V.

I take a deep breath, okay here goes nothing.

“Before I tell you anything, you have to promise me you won’t tell anyone no matter how bad you want to or you think you have to.” I say.

“If it’s the only way you’ll tell me then fine, I promise I won’t tell a sole.” He says and I take another deep breath.

“Alright, well I had just finished my dinner when this guy Robby and his friends come over to me. And like always, Robby asked if I’d talked to Amanda for him yet. I decided to say something smart instead of just saying no. Well, you see, Robby wasn’t too happy with what I said, so he pushed me up against the wall. He then told me that he was a powerful man and he could have people hurt me if he wanted. He said that if I told anyone about our conversation that, in his own words, that I wouldn’t ever be able to talk again, which could mean a lot of things. I just don’t know what to do, Toby.” I burst into tears, not being able to say anything else. Not even a second later, I feel Toby wrap his arms around me.

“Shh, it’s okay. I’m right here. I’m not going to let him hurt you, I promise.” Toby says. I look up to see a look that mixed with worry, concern, anger, and something else I can’t place.



“Thank you” I say, and cuddle up to him, really just needing someone to hold me.


After about thirty minutes of just Toby holding me, I start to realize that I feel completely comfortable in his arms and that I don’t want to move. The realization scares me because that means I’m getting close to him, and if I get close to him I could fall for him just to have my heart crushed like every other time. I think about it for a minute and realize I’m already too late. I’ve already started to fall for him. At this realization, I decide its time for me to get up. I try to get up, but for some reason I can’t. I look at Toby to see he’s starring off into space.

“Toby” I say trying to get his attention. It works; he snaps out of it and looks at me.


“Can you let me go, so I can get up?”

“Oh, yeah, sorry” He says and lets me go.

“It’s cool” I say and stand to my feet. After I stretch, I look at the clock. 12 o’clock a.m.! Wow! We’ve been here a while. “Its 12 am, I guess that means we’re staying here for the night.”

“Wow, really, we’ve been here a while.”

“Yeah, we have. Oh, and we’re going to miss school tomorrow.”


“Because even if we tried to make it to school tomorrow, we’d be late. And I can’t stand being late, so we might as well just skip.”

“But aren’t we going to get in trouble?”

“Really, you’re worried about getting in trouble?”

“Well, no. I ‘m worried my sister will find out, and I’ll never hear the end of it if she does.”

“Oh, I got ya. I’ll take all the blame, seeing as it is my fault. I talk to her and tell her we decided to skip to work on our project, and if that doesn’t work I’ll just figure something else out.”

“Alright, but if she kills me it’s your fault.”

“Okay, now I’ll show you the guest room. So if you’ll follow me.”

Toby’s P.O.V.

We pass by the kitchen and what looks like a dining room, until we get to a hall. After entering the hall, on the left is a room that was turned into a library. We walk a little further down until we come to a door on the right.

“Okay, this is the guest room, and across the hall as you can see is the bathroom. If you need anything I’ll be in the room that’s at the very end of the hall. Trust me; you’ll know when you see it. It has my initials on it, so that should be a dead giveaway.” She says.

“Alright thanks” I say. She turns to leave, but before she walks away she seems to remember something.

“Oh, there are clothes in the room next to this one. It’s Jake’s room actually. You can just borrow some of his. He won’t mind seeing as they’re just there if he forgets his or something.”

“Okay, thanks”

“No problem” She says. She walks down the hall to the last door and goes in.

 I decide I might as well get the clothes and take a shower first. I walk into Jake’s room, and I’m only slightly surprised when I see his room is decorated with all things sports. He seems like the type of guy who would be into sports. I spot his dresser and walk over to it. I open one drawer and see it’s full of boxers. Okay, I’m so not going to wear a pair of boxers that another guy has worn, that’s just gross. I start to shut the drawer, but before I do I see a pack of unopened boxers. Okay, I can use those, since they haven’t even been opened, and just buy Jake a new pack later. I take the pack out and set it on top of the dresser. I look in the next drawer to find shirts; I grab a white one, and move on to the next drawer. In this drawer is basketball shorts, I grab a black pair. After I shut the drawers back, I grab the pack of boxers from the top and open them. I pull out a black pair, and set the pack back in the drawer where it belongs. I leave the room and go to take a shower.


After I dry off and get dressed, I walk out of the bathroom. I walk over to the guest room and go in. I walk in to see it’s just a simple white room with a closet, a black framed full sized bed with baby blue sheets, and two bed side tables with a black lamp on both sides of the bed. I guess they don’t have too many guests, if this room’s anything to go by. I walk over to the bed and lay down instantly falling asleep.



Hey Guys! Well, I know this chapter sucked. Its really just a filler chapter.

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