Chapter 10

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Riley’s P.O.V.

“Okay” I say and take a deep breath. “But you have to promise you won’t tell or discuss what I’m about to tell you with anyone, but me. Not even Jake, because Jake doesn’t know most of this. Okay?”

“I promise.” Toby says.

“Well, as you know Jake and I have a house of our own, and I bet you’re wondering how we are able to afford it?” I ask and he nods his head. “Our parents are very rich people, and they basically bought us the house. They give us a pretty large sum of money for allowance every month, so that covers all the bills, our food, and school.”

“Oh, then why don’t you live with your parents?”

“Because they never really wanted us. The only reason they did want us was so that they had someone to pass their genes and fortune onto.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine. You want to know the real reason I wanted to go to this school?” I ask and he nods. “Because I wanted to go somewhere far from my parents and their world, and somewhere I knew I would find people who cared about me. Jake on the other hand, just followed me. He didn’t care where he lived, and he still doesn’t.”

“So Jake didn’t mind your parents’ world?”

“No, he didn’t. I think secretly he loved it, and felt like he belonged. But I didn’t and I had to get away from there. So I used my allowance to buy mine and Jake’s house, and once I told my parents that I bought a house and wanted to move, they were more than pleased to let me do it as long as I took Jake with me. They said that if Jake went with me they would still give us an allowance; Jake’s stayed the same while mine went up. It didn’t take much, but I convinced Jake to move with me. I never told him the real reason, and for that I feel really guilty about. I was selfish and Jake just loved me enough to listen to me.” I say and look at the ground.

“You know what I think?”  He says and I turn my head to look at him. “I think you did Jake a favor. You got him out of that house before he found out his parents didn’t really care about him. You kept him from that pain, and let him be just a normal kid without a care in the world.”

“So you don’t think I am or was selfish?” I ask with hope.

“No, I don’t. Maybe you thought you were, but you really weren’t.”

“Thanks, Toby” I say and hug him. He hugs me back, and when I go to release him, I end up locking eyes with him. We stay staring at each other for a while, but slowly our faces move closer to each other. And I bet you guys can guess what happened. Did you say we kissed? Well, sorry guys because that’s not what happened. Nope, my lovely brother decides now is a good time to jump out of the forest and scare me half to death. So you probably guessed me and Toby jumped away from each other, right? Nope wrong again. We crashed foreheads, yep, and now I have a huge headache. Man, Toby has a hard head. Ha-ha, Toby has a hard head, get it? Never mind dirty thoughts. Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah!

“Jake, you idiot! What did you do that for?” I yell at him.

“Well, I was looking for you and figure you came here, but when I saw you getting really cozy with Toby here, I just had to scare you before you scarred me. There are just some things a brother shouldn’t see his sister do, and that is one of them.”

“Whatever, what do you want?”

“Well, right now I want to know what is going on between you two?” Jake asks. Toby and I turn our heads to look at each other. I look back at Jake and shrug, while Toby decides to answer him.

“I honestly don’t know.” Toby says.

“Okay, well when you do figure it out I want to be the first to know, but for now we have to get back. It’s already eleven, and Principal Anderson checks the dorms at midnight every night.” Jake says and starts to walk out of the forest. I turn to Toby.

“Come on, we better follow him. He’s right though. If we don’t get back before midnight, we’ll be in some serious trouble.” I say and follow Jake out of the forest.

“Yeah” I hear Toby sigh, and soon I hear footsteps following me.



Hey Guys! Sorry its a short chapter, but on the bright side you got to find out a small piece of Riley's past. Don't worry there'll be more talks between Riley and Toby, and you'll eventually learn why Riley is so closed off.

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