Chapter 17

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Toby’s P.O.V.

After the weird group hug Riley’s brothers gave me last night we all decided to go to bed since Ryan wanted to introduce Riley and Jake to his daughter tomorrow. Since Riley and Jake had their own rooms, that’s where they slept.  I offered to give Ryan the guest room and I would sleep in Riley’s room. I bet you can guess that that didn’t turn out well for me. Ryan did get the guest room, but I got stuck sleeping on the couch in the living room. Let me tell you, that couch is very uncomfortable. I barely slept, and on top of that my back & neck are killing me. Which brings me to the present; I’m currently sitting on the couch in pain waiting on Riley, or really anyone at this point, to wake up so I can find some pain medication. I can’t even take a hot shower, because I don’t have any extra clothes with me. Finally after another boring thirty minutes, Riley finally comes out.

“Good morning” I say even though it hasn’t been a very good morning for me.

“Morning, how’d ya sleep?” Riley asks.

“Honestly?” I ask and Riley nods her head. “Horrible, that couch is so uncomfortable and my back & neck are killing me.”

“Yeah that couch can be uncomfortable at times.” She sighs. “Would you like some pain meds?”

“Yes, please.” I say and she goes into one of the cabinets and pulls out a bottle of ibuprofen.  She fills a glass of water and gives me the meds.

“Thanks” I take the ibuprofen with the water.

“Welcomes” She smiles at me, but then a smirk forms on her face. “Wanna help me wake my brothers up?”

And write my death wish? “Sure” I say anyway. What? It’s hard saying no to her.

She goes in to the kitchen to get two pots and two wooden spoons. She gives me one and we walk down the hall. We decide to wake Jake first. We sneak into his room and once we’re beside his bed we loudly bang the pots with the spoons. Jake immediately shoots out of bed.

“What the hell?!” He yells while Riley and I are running out of the room. I go to walk towards the guest room, but Riley stops me. I give her a confused look.

“Ryan’s a heavy sleeper, banging pots isn’t going to wake him.” She says and then walks towards the bathroom. I follow, and watch as she fills a spray bottle with water. She then walks out and into the guest room. Once I get to the room, I find her straddling Ryan with the spray bottle in hand. I start to laugh at the scene. She looks at me and gives me the be quiet signal. I stop laughing and watch as she sprays Ryan with the water. After about five sprays he wakes up, and right when he opens his eyes Riley sprays him in the face again. Which doesn’t make him very happy, because he pins Riley down, takes the spray bottle from her hands, and starts to spray her. I crack up laughing and end up falling to the floor. They both then freeze and turn to glare at me.

“You think this is funny?” Ryan asks. I nod my head. Riley and Ryan turn to look at each other with smirks on their face.

“What?” I ask dumbly. They turn back to me and jump off the bed with the spray bottle in hand. I realize what they’re going to do and take off running. They chase me all around the house until I spot Jake. I quickly run behind him at the same time Riley sprays the bottle. The water was supposed to hit me, but ends up hitting Jake in the face.

“WHAT THE FUCK, RILEY!? First the damn pots, now this, what is wrong with you?” Jake yells.

“Sorry Jake, I was trying to spray Toby.” Riley says.

“Whatever, let’s just get ready. What time are we leaving again, Ryan?” Jake asks. Ryan checks his watch, and then looks back at us.

“We have to leave in thirty minutes if we want to get there before Sarah and Alice gets home.” Ryan answers.

“What! Thirty minutes? I can’t be ready in thirty minutes!” Riley freaks out, and takes off towards her room.

“Why do we have to leave so early?” I ask.

“Because I live a good five hours from here. It’s already ten o’clock, so if we leave in the next thirty minutes we can be there by three thirty. Sarah and Alice get home at four thirty, so that gives us a good hour to get ready for them. That and there could be traffic.” Ryan says.

“Oh, okay. That makes since.” I say and we’re all off to get ready, well expect for me. Since I don’t have any clothes to change into, I have to wear what I’m wearing.


After a five hour long drive, we finally pull up to a two story brownish-greenish house. We jump out of the car, and follow Ryan up to the door. He opens the door to reveal a little hallway. At the end of the hallway, it opens up to a staircase. If you turn to the side you’ll see an opening just before you get to the stairs that leads to the living room. On the other side, right across from the living room, it opens up to a dining room.

“Alright, I want you guys to go sit on the couch in the living room. I’ll sit here on the steps and wait for Sarah and Alice to get home.” Ryan says.  We walk into the living room and sit down on the couch, while Ryan takes a seat on the stairs.

“I can’t believe I’m actually going to meet my niece.” Riley says in awe.

“I can’t believe it either.” Jake says in the same tone.

“I don’t even know why I’m here.” I sigh to myself, but somehow Riley hears me.

“Because someday you could be her uncle.” Riley smiles at me as she says this, and I swear I fall even more in love with this girl.

“Yeah, I could be.” I smile back at her.



Hey Guys! Yeah, I know its been awhile since I last updated. For that, I'm sorry. Its just my life's been a bit busy. I've had so much school work I had to get done, and I still do. Therefore updates are going to be a little out of whack. There's only three more chapters, so hopefully I'll have time to update and finish the story soon.

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