Chapter 3

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Riley’s P.O.V.

“Oh shit, sorry!” I hear a male voice say. I look up to see a really good looking guy. He has short light, almost blond, brunette hair; blue eyes; tan skin; looks to be about two inches taller than me at 5’4; and by the looks of it, he has a six pack. He sticks his hand out, I take it, and he helps me up. “Sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going.”

“It’s fine, no damage done.” I say.

“I’m Toby O’Hagan by the way.”


“Riley Hope, I know.”

“Oh” I say and we stand there awkwardly for a moment before I realize something. “How do you know who I am? No offense, but I’ve never seen you here before.”

“Oh! My twin sister, Tina, told me. We just got here this morning along with my best friend and his twin sister.”

“And how does this Tina know this, if you just got here today? Wait Tina, I think I met her earlier.”

“She’s always on some social media page, so she knows who everyone who is popular is. As for meeting Tina, you probably did. She looks exactly like me except she’s a girl and instead of blue eyes she has green.”

“Wow, no offense, but she kinda sounds like a starker. And now that you say that, I did run into her in the dorms.”

“None taken, everyone thinks that.”

“So since you know who I am, I’m guessing you know who my best friend is.”

“Yeah, Amanda Ferrari, man that girl is hot.”

“So they say. Anyway, just to let you know, if you ever want to talk to or get with Amanda, do it yourself, because I do not play matchmaker.”

“Okay, but who said I wanted Amanda? Maybe she’s not my type.”

“Oh, please Amanda’s every guy’s type, and all the guys want her.”

“Not all guys are the same, you know. Besides I’m not really into rich girls.”

“Why, because you think they’re all stuck up? Well, newsflash they’re not.”

“No, it’s because I don’t want a girl who has everything at the palm of her hands. I want a girl who I can spoil, not the other way around.”

“Oh, sorry, I just thought-”

“I know, I completely get it, just next time don’t judge a book by its cover.” He says and walks off.

Ugh, now I feel terrible. I just judged someone before I even got to know them, but can you blame me? It was a guy, and he did say she was hot. So I thought he was like every other guy who wanted me to hook them up with her. Boy, was I wrong, and now I just ruined a possible friendship with a nice guy who probably doesn’t know anyone here except for his sister, best friend, and his best friend’s sister.


I make it back to the dorm room feeling completely awful. I can’t stop thinking about the guy, why I have no idea.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Amanda asks as I walk in the room with an upset look on my face.

“I made a terrible mistake.” I say.

“Uh, oh, what happened?”

“Well as I was turning to leave the main building I crashed into this guy. We started talking and he was nice. He told me who he was and when I went to tell him my name, he said my name, and that he already knew. So I asked him how he knew, and he told me his sister told him because she knows who everyone that’s popular is thanks to social media. I then ended up asking if he knew who my best friend was, and of course he knew. So I thought he was like every other guy, just wanting to act like my friend, so I’ll introduce them to you. So I started a fight and it turns out you’re not even his type and he doesn’t want you. So now I feel terrible.”

“Wow, that’s a first, a guy doesn’t want me.” She says and then laughs. I narrow my eyes at her and give her my deadliest look. She immediately stops laughing. “Sorry, look maybe you’ll see him again and you can apologize. If not, then it just wasn’t meant to be.”

“I know, but I’ll still feel terrible.”

“I know, now let’s get some sleep. It’s already ten o’clock and we have school tomorrow.” She says looking at the clock. I just nod and get ready for bed.

Toby’s P.O.V.

Its 9:30 before I get back to my dorm room. It took me awhile to get back to the room, because one I couldn’t remember how to get back and two I couldn’t get Riley out of my head for some annoying reason, which explains my first reason.  I walk in to find Jake laying down reading a book on his bed.

“Hey dude, what’s up? Find any classes?” Jake asks as I walk over to my bed.

“Yeah, I found them all, actually. I got to meet a few of my teachers. Speaking of meeting people, I ran into your sister today.” I say as I sit down on the bed. Jake immediately sits up at the mention of his sister.

“Uh, oh, how did that go?”

“Oh you know, she just judge a book by its cover, and thought I was only being nice to her because she’s best friend’s with Amanda. So she blew up in my face and yelled at me.”

“Yeah, that sounds like her. Sorry, about that, but can you blame her? I mean she has all these guys that come up to her acting like her friend just so they can get to Amanda.”

“Well, when you say it like that I guess it makes since.” I say and lay down on the bed looking up at the ceiling.

“Yeah, well, she’s only trying to protect herself. Lord, knows how much pain she’s been though.” He says and I snap my head to the side to look at him.

“She’s been hurt badly before, hasn’t she?”

“She has, but she’s not one to talk about it. She hasn’t even told me what happened, but I know it was something bad by the way she acts.”

“So she’s a closed book then?”

“So closed it’s got a lock on it; it’s inside a chest with a lock on it, inside another chest with a lock on it.”

“Wow! That’s pretty closed.”

“Yeah” He says sadly. “Anyway, its eleven o’clock, I need to go to sleep.” He says and roles over. I look back at the ceiling processing all this new information I just learned about Riley.



Hey Guys! Sorry, I know it's a late update. Yesterday was just a really busy day for me and I completely forgot to update. I'm very sorry for that, but I'm human, so it happens. 

Anyway, I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, and got a lot of good deals on/at  Black Friday.

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Thanks for reading, and I hope you continue to.

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