Chapter 4

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Riley’s P.O.V.

I get to Mr. Loco’s class early as usually. Yes, I know I’m a nerd, but I can’t help it. I have very strict parents. I have to have the best grades, so I can get into a good college. Anyway, I sit down in my usual seat, yep you guessed it, it’s the first seat in the front row. I take out everything I’m going to need for class. About five minutes later, the rest of the class starts to pile in. Just as the bell is about to ring with everyone here and sitting in their seats, in walks two new students. They’re both boys. I also notice one of them looks very familiar. Yes it’s who you’re all thinking, none other than, Toby O’Hagan himself. Mr. Loco notices them, and walks over to greet them. Then he turns to the class.

“Class, we have two new students today. So if you would please give a warm welcome to Toby O’Hagan and John Harn.” Mr. Loco introduces them to us. I soon realize that John must be Toby’s best friend from what he and his sister told me. “Boys, choose any seat you would like.” Uh oh, I have an empty seat next to me, due to the fact that one, I’m a nerd, and two, people know I don’t put up with their crap. I quickly look around the classroom to notice there are four empty seats, besides the one next to me. Okay, hopefully Toby won’t choose the seat next to me. I watch as John goes to take an empty seat next to Amanda, typical, but she doesn’t say anything as he sits down. Wow, that’s a first. Amanda never lets anyone sit next to her, especially guys. Ok, now you’re probably wondering why Amanda and I don’t sit next to each other. Well, it’s because at the beginning of the year we did sit next to each other, but because we were such a huge distraction we had to be separated.

I was so busy thinking that I didn’t notice that Toby had chosen to sit next to me. I mean what are the odds? I thought he hated me after how I treated him yesterday, but apparently I was wrong.

“Hi, nice to see you again.” Toby says nicely.

“Really? After the way I treated you yesterday, I thought you hated me.” I ask dumbfound.

“Hate’s a really strong word. Sure I was mad, but then I talked to your bother and he calmed me down.”

“You know my brother? How? You just got here yesterday, and last time I check my brother isn’t very well known.”

“He’s my roommate.”

“Oh, that-” I get cut off by Mr. Loco.

“Riley, is there a problem?” Mr. Loco asks in a you-better-shut-up-while-I’m-teaching tone.

“Uh, no sir. I was just welcoming Toby like you said.” I say. He sighs.

“Okay, you’re off the hook this time, but please save the rest of your conversation for after class.” Mr. Loco says then walks off  before I can reply. “As you know class, for the past few weeks I have been leaving hints about an upcoming project.” The class nods their heads. “Well, for the rest of the year, you will be working with a partner. Before you get too excited, I have already chosen your partners. Anyway, it’s kinda of a get to know your partner project. You will have to ask your partner questions about what they like, who they are, and so forth. Then towards the end of the year you will write a small essay about what you have learned about your partner. This assignment will count for half of your finally grade.” Mr. Loco finishes and the class groans.

“But Mr. Loco, we only have five months till the end of the year. How are we supposed to get to know a complete stranger and write an essay about them by then?” One girl, I think her name is Rachel, complains.

“Rachel, I think five months is more than enough time. You’ll spend the next four months getting to know your partner, then two weeks writing your essay, and finally the last two weeks each of you will be assigned a day to read your essays to the class.” Mr. Loco says.

“Wait! Did you just say we’re going to have to read our essays to the whole class?” Some guy, I think his name is Ethan, asks.

“Yes, didn’t I mention that earlier?” Mr. Loco says and the class shakes their heads no. “Oh, opps must have forgotten about that part.”

“So, when do we get to find out who are partners are?” Amanda asks.

“Ah yes, I was getting to that.” Mr. Loco says and pauses for dramatic effect. “Ethan your partner is Makayla; Shelli you’re with Tia; Ryan & Ceria; Richard & Tyler; Jordan & Justin; Smith & Gabe; Gabriella & Leo; Chris & Josh; Amanda & John; and Riley & Toby.

Oh great, out of all people, I get partnered with Toby. I quickly look over at Amanda, and realize she’s not too happy either. She has that you-have-got-to-be-kidding-me look on her face. Yikes, the last time Amanda had that look on her face, she slashed the tires on someone’s car. Yeah, she can be pretty violent when you piss her off. So you can say this is going to be a long four months for us.

Toby’s P.O.V.

“-Amanda & John” Mr. Loco says. I look over to John to see he has the biggest smile on his face. Well, I bet he is happy. He hasn’t shut up about how hot Amanda is since he first saw her. I look at Amanda and notice she looks pissed. Hey! You don’t even know him! I want to shout, but I don’t.  “And Riley & Toby” Wait, did he just say I was Riley’s partner? I look over at Riley and notice that she looks a bit pissed off. Uh, oh, is she mad because she got partnered with me? I’m not bad; if anything I should be the one that’s pissed off to have her as my partner. “So closed it’s got a lock on it; it’s inside a chest with a lock on it, inside another chest with a lock on it” I remember Jake saying yesterday. Okay, maybe she’s not pissed off that she has to work with me, but because of the project. Yeah, that makes since. She doesn’t like to talk about herself, so she’s pissed off that she has to now. At least that’s what I hope. Well, there’s only one way to find out.


The rest of the class goes by smoothly. I notice that Riley and Amanda seem to cool down by the end of class. The bell rings and everyone gets ready to leave.

“So when do we start the project?” I ask.

“Look, don’t worry about it. I’ll write the essay about myself and you can write your essay about you. Then when it comes time to present them we can swap papers, okay?” She says.

“Uh, no, the project is for us to get to know each other, and we can’t get to know each other if we do the project on ourselves. Either that or we both fail.” There is no way I’m letting her out of this one. I’m going to find out who the real Riley is whether she likes it or not.

“Ugh, wouldn’t it just be easier though?”

“Yes, it would be easier, but what’s the fun in that. Besides I like a good challenge, don’t you?”

“Nope” She says popping the ‘p’. “Fine, will do the project the right way. Meet me at the front of the dorms after school okay?”

“Sure. See you then.” I say and she walks out the door. I pick up my things and head to my next class.



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