Chapter 12

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Riley’s P.O.V.

It’s been a week since Toby asked me to be his girlfriend, and it’s been the best week of my life. Gosh, I still can’t believe he’s my boyfriend! He just outshines every other guy. God, I love him. Yeah, I love him, and no I haven’t told him. We’ve been dating a week. I don’t want to freak him out. Plus I have this thing where I don’t tell anyone I love them first. Weird? I know.

“Hey Riley!” I’m brought out of my thoughts by Tina.

“Oh hey Tina!” I say happily. “What’s up?”

“I heard you and Toby got together. I’m so happy for you.” She says, but I can hear a but coming up.

“But?” I ask and she sighs.

“But if you hurt him, just know I’ll kick your ass, okay?”

“I understand, I’m sure Jake’s given Toby the same speech.”

“Okay, good, so we still friends?”

“Of course!” I say enthusiastically and hug her.

“Good, and if he hurts you, you tell me and I’ll kick his ass.”

“That’s if Jake doesn’t beat you to it.”

“Naw, he’ll just get his ass beat twice.” She says and we bust out laughing. “But I’m serious he hurts you, you let me know, okay?” She says once we’ve calmed down.

“Okay, thanks that means a lot, but I trust Toby and I don’t think that will happen.”

“I don’t either, but it still needed to be said.”

“I guess so.”

“Well, I got to go, see you later!”

“Yeah, see ya!”


After my talk with Tina, I went to my dorm to put my stuff up, and then to grab a snack from the vending machine. Now, I’m on my way to see my brother. I make my way into the boys’ dorms. I ride the elevator to Jake’s floor. I walk down to his dorm and knock on his door. After about a minute, he opens it enough to put his head through.

“Hey sis, what’s up?” He asks.

“Nothing much, just thought I’d come visit my favorite little brother.” I say.

“I’m your only little brother.”

“True, so are you going to let your favorite sister in or do you just want me to leave?”

“You’re my only sister, well other than you know, but come in.” He says as he opens the door fully for me to come in.

“Wow! You’re actually alone for once. That’s a first.” I say once I see no one else is in the room.

“Shut up! You know everyone’s in class. Speaking of which, why aren’t you?”

“Because we have that stupid sub again. So all I have to do is show up when she says my name, then ask to go to the bathroom, and just don’t come back. After about five minutes, she forgets I even left the classroom.”

“Ah, you have Mrs. Gordon. The woman’s like eighty years old. She forgets everything after five minutes.”

“Yep, anyway explain to me again why you don’t have class this period.”

“Because I purposely made my last block study hall”

“Oh that’s right. That was smart, I should have done that.”

“No you shouldn’t have.”

“Oh and why is that?”

“Because all you would do is come find me and annoy me.”

“You know me too well, my brother.”

“Yes, yes I do.”

“So have you threatened Toby yet?”

“No, why would I threaten Toby?” He says with a confused face, while I bust out laughing.

“H-he d-di-did-n’t t-te-tell y-yo-you” I say while laughing.

“He didn’t tell me what?”

“T-that w-were, oh god” I say still laughing.

“Riley, quit laughing and tell me.” He says, and it makes me laugh even harder.

“Damn it Riley, TELL ME!” He yells, and I immediately sober up.

“We’re dating.”

“What ew, you’re my sister; I can’t date you, that’s gross.” He says and I face palm. God, he can be so stupid.

“Not me and you, doufuss, me and Toby.”

“Oooooh” He says. “Well, now I need to have a talk with him.”

“Go ahead; Tina’s already gave me the talk.”

“Riley, I thought you got the talk when you we’re twelve?”

“Not that talk, you moron”

“Oh, opps”

“Sometimes I wonder how you even made it to the eleventh grade.”

“Because I’m smart!”

“Smart my ass!”

“Whatever, did you just come here to call me stupid?”

“No, I came to see my favorite little brother.” I say with an innocent face.

“Of course you did, anyway, wanna play video games?”

“Sure, whatcha got?” I say and make my way over to his video games collection.

“Like you don’t know” He says sarcastically.



Hey Guys! Sorry it's been awhile since my last update. I just got my laptop back, and I've been sick, so yeah. Sorry.

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