I Shall Not Stand

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23rd of Enderë, TA 694

Rîniel was slightly bored. It was not often she felt bored, for there was much to do and to learn. Today, already she had fed her horse, watered the flowers, picked some for Celeborn's council hall, played with several of the elflings, and played diplomat for an angry citizen. Glasseth was busy with Thranduil, so that was out of the question. 'Twas basically dull, and she was always was quite ashamed when her life felt dull. In fact, she felt positively useless.

She frowned as she jabbed her needle into the grey cloth. Until she could figure out what to do with herself, she was pretending to look busy by helping the younger handmaidens sew the Galadhrim cloaks. It used to be a regular routine, but since her duties had taken her elsewhere, it was no longer something she did regularly.

She lifted her face to the breeze moving freely through the room and sighed. "I wish I was out climbing trees." She whispered, but not quietly enough for the maiden sitting next to her not to hear.

The younger elleth looked at her curiously. Her face was round and rosy, and she had a darker complexion than some of the other ellith. Rîniel guessed that her heritage was of the native forest. The elleth blushed slightly when she saw Rîniel looking back at her. "I did not know a proper lady would desire to climb the trees."

"Hah! Lady Rîniel is hardly a proper lady, miss Lîthoniel." Rîniel turned and glared at Tatharwen who had previously been crouching outside the window, keeping an inconspicuous eye on her friend. Tatharwen smiled easily and tossed her head when she saw Rîniel's perturbed face. "Rîniel is probably one of the most sprightly ellith I know."

"That's not true." Rîniel said a little too quickly. "I am one of the most confusing ellith you will know." She whispered, glancing down at her hands.

"How is she sprightly?" Asked Lîthoniel eagerly, momentarily forgetting her work. The other ellith looked up to listen as well.

Tatharwen motioned impatiently for them to get back to work as she talked. After they were set at their tasks again, she settled down on the windowsill, lounging contemplatively with her chin propped up on one hand. "Well, ladies. Lady Rîniel enjoys going barefoot." They all glanced approvingly at Rîniel, but Tatharwen chuckled. "Ai, you are all so ready to esteem her. Lady Galadriel goes barefoot too, but she doesn't get any credit for it," she mocked frowned. They giggled. "She also runs around with garlands in her hair, and her hands stained with green from the grass she feeds her horse." Tatharwen poked Rîniel only to get a half-hearted slap in return, causing the ellith to laugh again.

"Lady Rîniel also rides her horse backwards!"

The new, male voice caused a commotion in the room, the ellith shrieking and giggling as they realized who it was. Rîniel shook her head ruefully at the ellyn in the door. They were incorrigible, those two. They were lucky they were bigger now, or else they would be in deep trouble. She stood up and marched over to the tall, brown-haired one. She poked her finger into his side. "Rúmil! What are you doing here, Orophin?"

Rúmil and Orophin laughed and stepped out of the doorway. Both were tall and lean, lithe like their older brothers. Rúmil possessed chiseled cheeks and darker green eyes than his brother, but Orophin was taller by a few inches and his dark blonde hair clashed with his darker skin. Both bore the crest of Celeborn's house on their chests, for they now served under their older brothers, protecting the realm. Galadriel personally watched over them with motherly care and guidance, for Haldis their mother had finally relinquished her hold on life after her youngest sons came of age.

"Gwathel Rîniel." Orophin said cheerfully. They both mock-bowed. Neither seemed fazed by Rîniel's obviously irritated façade. They both caught the glimmer of love in her eyes, and they knew she had a soft spot for both of them. How could she not? They were, after all, the brothers of her friend and protector, Haldir.

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