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The Baseball Feud-16(2)


You'll never enjoy your life

Living inside the box

So afraid of taking chances

How you gonna reach the top?

•Waiting Outside The Lines-Greyson Chance•



I changed into my spandex MMA shorts and my work out tank-top. I threw on my soccer cleats and taped up my hands. My hair was tightly pulled back.

I knew this fight was personal. And when a fights personal, people get dirty.

'Alex' I said through the mind link.

'Danielle? You okay? You seem upset' He asked worried.

'Jeffrey and his pack are on our land. They look ready for a fight'

'I'll be there.'


"Boston Pack and Yankee Pack attention!" commanded a high ranking Yankee. Nobody acknowledged him as they were riled up from the news about fighting. These guys were the fighters for their respected packs and the smell of male pride was almost choking me.

I grew irritated as no one gave any respect. I growled and I swear some people got whiplash. Not everyone have their attention however so I got up on the table in the clearing where all werewolf fights are held.

"Listen," I snapped. "I don't give a damn what pack you are from but when a wolf with a higher rank than you demands attention, you give him respect. I may be new to this whole wolf thing but it's same thing in the human world. You respect. Now turn your damn attention to your Alphas." I finished my rant and it was silent. You could hear the wind pick up and the sound of leaves crunching about 500 yards away.

Alex and Anthony grinned down at me while the rest of the boys gave me smiles full of pride.

"Now," began Anthony. "Everyone knows the reason for being here Jeffrey and the Gilverstone Pack was looking for a fight and we are gonna give it to them."

There was slight cheering but Alex silenced them with his hand. "But we do not know the means on which this fight is being started. Things are not simple anymore."

His voice was clear and held power to it. "Lately he has threatened my mate." Gasps arose from the crowd mostly because the packs believed he and I were still haven't found our mates. "Danielle Ortíz is my mate, and on multiple occasions she has been threatened by the Gilverstone Pack. I'm starting to believe they have done that just to provoke us to start a war, but it hasn't happened. So they've taken matters into their own hands."

He and Anthony sniffed the air an looked at each other.

"They are close." Anthony began. "This battle will be bloody. There are maybe 200 fighters coming or us. Will all of you stand your ground?"

"Yes sir." Most of the Boston Pack responded.

I narrowed my eyes in annoyance and took my place on the table once more.

"I'm sorry but I couldn't hear you. He said Will you stand your ground?" I asked with the authority of a marine.

"Yes ma'am." The entire lot replied in union.

"Who are you fighting for?" I asked again with a smirk.



I looked at all of about 145 fighters. They all looked around confused at one another. I chuckled because they had no idea who to fight for.

"Each other." I whispered, but they all heard me. Each fighter gave a smile.

"So who are we fighting for?" I asked again.

"Each other!" They yelled in union.


"Each other!"

I grinned,"Now that's what I wanna hear!"

Suddenly a group of growls we're heard to the right. Everyone's head snapped to that direction to see Jeffrey smirking.

"Hello there." He said with his arms crossed over his bare chest.

"Good to see you again Danielle." He glint in his eyes disgusted me.

I growled and walked towards him.

'What are you doing?' Alex growled.

'Trust me' I snapped back.

I got toe-to-toe with Jeffrey.

"You think you scare me?" I whispered with a cold voice. "You ain't shit."

He growled,"Watch it Boston bitch."

I hissed and spit in his face.

He wiped it off and looked at me with red eyes. But then he slapped me.


I heard a vicious growl. "Restrain him!" I yelled knowing Alex was about three seconds from tearing into this tool.

I spit out blood and felt my cheek split.

I chuckled humorlessly.

I looked up to see his pack looking at me as if expecting me to back away or cry even.

"Lets get one thing straight," I addressed to Jeffrey and his pack. "I'm never bowing down to none you you motherf*ckers." I said calmly wiping the blood off my cheek, probably smearing more than anything. "I will stand here and fight. Fight for my family, fight for my pride, fight to win and I will fight til I die." I told the prick Alpha that stood in front of me. His pack was waiting for his command to continue this fight. Anthony and Alex were doing the same. Some members of all packs were in wolf form, others still in human form taking this little war head on.

The pain that was raditating everywhere in my body was no match to the anger and pride running through my body. I didnt need to shift to fight these pricks.

I am a Boston pack member. I am a ruthless fighter. I can black out; be cold and heartless.

And when you come into my home during my family dinner you're messing with the wrong bitch.


Ehhh? How do you like it? I thought it was pretty snazzy how I began the first part with that little paragraph and them got to end this part with it. Pretty nice huh?

Ahhh, copy and paste. Isn't it an amazing tool?

Well hope you enjoyed this chapter. I might take awhile for the next chapter because it is a fighting chapter and I'm not very good a fighting scenes. Especially not supernatural ones with giant wolves :p lol.

So until next chapter arivoir!



&Baby Ducks<3

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