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***** ALEXS POV *****

I squeezed Tobin goodbye. Not hug, squeezed. She took it and squeezed back just as hard, probably for Kelley's view. She was heading back to New Jersey to spend time with her family and... Girlfriend. It actually pained my chest to think of Tobin with a girlfriend.

"I'll see you next week!" She said and waved as she entered her gate.

I sighed and sat back down next to Kelley.

"So..? Is it working?" Kelley asked. She took another bite out of her granola bar and tweeted a photo of her bag.

I looked down at the ground. "Possibly... I don't think it's really doing any affect to her.. Only to me. I'm falling deeper into liking her Kel. Maybe this plan was stupid..."

Kelley looked over at me in confusion.

"No way! We both planned this a couple weeks ahead of the training camp. I got Christen to switch rooms with you, you got Tobin to believe you liked me, I got " jealous", you got her to be all touchy with you... I don't see how this is going wrong. She should be falling in love with you any second now." She smirked and shoved me with her elbow.

"Yeah... Except she's not. She's going home to her girlfriend right now. Skyler gets to sleep next to her, not me. Tobin loves her, not me..." I bit my lip.

I remember it like it was yesterday. I confessed to kelley a week before training camp that I might like Tobin so she set up a plan.

I would room with her, spend time with her and make sure I actually did like her... Which proves to be right. My feelings have grown more and more each day we spent together. Next was to maybe initiate the idea of us being together... The touchy part, 'talex'. I would get Tobin to act flirty with me in order to get Kelley supposedly jealous. It was really meant to get Tobin to maybe start developing feelings for me... But so far nothing's changed. I'm still only her best friend. Nothing more.

Each time kelley and I were left alone to chat, like Tobin had insisted, we tried to tweak our mistakes here and there. Kelley not acting too jealous, me not being too touchy with Tobin as to where she thinks I'm actually flirting. Everything had to be nonchalant. The social media part got out of hand... But maybe it would piss Skyler off and Tobin would finally see what a mistake it is to date such a clingy person like her.

"Cheer up." Kelley said, "You get to be with her everyday for the next two months... She doesn't. Make a move or something." Kelley smiled. Her gate is called up and she gives me a quick hug before waving.

My call soon come up to head back to Florida.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath in... And out.

***** TOBINS POV *****

"Love!" Skyler ran up to be with a box of chocolates. A single rose was taped to the front of it, along with a letter.

I smiled widely. We didn't kiss or embrace, we wanted to keep it on the down low in case anyone saw.

"Thanks Babe." I gave her a friendly side hug, sneaked a kiss to the side of her head in the process. She giggled.

"Happy late anniversary." She smiled as we got into the car. My brother, mom, and dad were all in the back.

"Guys!" I exclaimed as they all laughed. We chatted the whole ride.

We stopped at a dinner place and ate. We caught up before ending the meal. Soon everyone was back in the car as Skyler took them back to their place.

Skyler and I had been living together just for two months. It's been going.. Alright you could say. Sure, we fought a lot more being together in such close quarters, but who doesn't right?

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