7 | Settling

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***** ALEXS POV *****

My hand was in mid air as the door swung open before I could knock.

"Oh hey Alex!" Christen's cheery voice said. Her green eyes pierced at me.

"Hey... Is Tobin ready?" I asked chewing my lip. I hoped to get to ride beside her on the bus this time instead of Christen. I know it was no big deal because it wasn't a game day, but Christen seems to be pushing Tobin away from me. I know she doesn't mean to. My jealousy is getting the best of me I guess.

"Hm. I think she's brushing her teeth. You can check. Tell her I'll be down in the lobby." Christen smiled shyly as she walked by me.

"Toby?" I called, entering the room.

"Yea?" I looked over towards the bathroom to find Tobin in a pair of sweatpants and white t-shirt.

"Wanna ride together today?" I asked.

She spit in the sink and wiped her mouth with a nearby towel.

"Hm..." She hummed as she put her hair up into a bun and barely giving any reaction to my existence. She looked down at the floor blankly.
"I told Christen I'd ride with her. You know since she's new and doesn't have a 'bus buddy' yet."

She walked right past me and got her luggage. She sat at the foot of the bed and looked up at me, a smile lingering to come out. She slipped on a pair of shoes.

"I think we get to ride on the plane together though."

I nodded and hesitated but spoke anyways.
"You should tell Christen to find a bus buddy... Soon. She'll need one." I blurted out.

"Yeah I guess. I don't know, maybe she wants to be mine."

"You already have one." I said a little more harsher than I meant.

Tobin gave me a skeptical look and picked up her luggage walking towards the door. I followed.

"Tobin? You have me." I said walking beside her until we reached the elevators. Why is she ignoring me so much lately?

"I know."
She pushed the button and the doors closed. Our bodies shifted as gravity pulled us towards the lobby.
"I'm just saying she just knows me and might need me to be her bus buddy this time around. You don't mind do you? As long as we change it before the World Cup starts."

The doors ding open. How do I say this without being too jealous and possessive?

"She could ride with Kelley." I stated.

"So could you! Look. Wouldn't this be the perfect chance to spend more time with her."
Tobin smirked at me and got an apple out of her duffle bag. It looks like me pretending to like kelley is biting me in the ass huh?

We walked together towards the rest of the gals waiting around for the bus to come and take us to the airport.

"She makes me nervous... I'd rather just sit with you." I stated and we were getting nearer and nearer to the gals. Christen looked up and waved Tobin over.

"Oh Cmon lex. I guess the more reason for you sit with her then! Get rid of those nerves."

"But-" she was already gone towards Christen who has a smile from ear to ear. Damn. I was clenching my teeth without noticing.

"Gee Alex, ready to pounce?" Abby and Kelley came up being me looking at my very annoyed look.

"I'll take this." Kelley motioned to Abby. Abby shrugged and headed to find Syd.

"Could you be anymore obvious? Tone down the jelly eyes." Kelley laughed.

"I can't help it."

"It looks like you're torturing yourself lex." Kelley sighed.

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