12 | What Are We Doing

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***** TOBINS POV *****

C: do you happen to know any Swedish?

C:yeah... You know.. The language they speak in Sweden? I'm moving there!

T: oh? Since when? For what?

C: soccer! I'm playing in Kopparbergs/Göteborg FC isn't that awesome?!

T: of course! Hell yeah man! Do what makes you happy. When will you be back? I hope you'll be back for national camp. We have the olympics coming up!

C: I don't think I'll be at the Olympics.
T: come on! You're gonna make the roster. You and I both know that

C: no. I mean I'm not going to be in the states for that long. I'm moving to Sweden for at least two years. I already signed the contract.

T: oh... Well as long as you're happy. You sure this is what you want?

C: I've never been more sure of anything in my life.

T: ok. Well then I'm proud and happy for you! Good luck... Still keep in touch yeah? Don't want your only friend on the national team going AWOL!

C: ha ha. No. I'll make sure to complain and keep you updated. I have to go! My flight leaves soon!

T: Ok. Have fun!

I pressed send and sighed. I was a little bummed. Two years without seeing Christen. I know it shouldn't be a big deal since we've only known each other a small amount of time, but our growing friendship added a new flavor to my life. I guess the growing will have to be put on hold.

"Tobs! This goddamn shower again..." Alex yelled from my bathroom. I smirked and threw my phone on the bed before getting up.

"What's up?" I leaned at the door, watching alex struggle with my multi functional shower head.

"No water's coming out... I swear you put witchcraft on this thing.." Alex mused and tried turning a few knobs on the head.

I shook my head and slowly made my way over.

"Here let me try. I don't want you to break it."

"I'll break you!" She playfully teased and poked my stomach. I just smiled and kissed her exposed shoulder on her tank top before scooting her aside. I got on my tip toes and suppressed a chuckle.

"Is the shower off?"

"Yeah. It is now." She said back. I pretended to investigate the shower more. I already knew what was wrong though.

"Ok. Well could you look to see if there's something in the middle of the shower head? it might be blocked or something" I detached the small hose from the shower head and gave it to Alex to inspect. I quickly turned the shower back on without Alex noticing. Still no water.

"Nothing... Wait maybe... I think there's something white in there..." I she got closer to the head and I pressed the button on the side of it. Water came rushing out, spraying Alex and making her yelp.

"Tobin! Turn it off!" She squealed and pointed the hose towards me, getting me wet as well. That's the only reason why I turned it off.

"You're so dead!" Alex said but I was too busy laughing my ass off to care. I ran out into my room again and she followed me. Never once has she failed to tackle me and she didn't fail this time.

We both went down with an 'oomf' and giggled.

"Ok ok! I'm sorry! We're getting the floors wet."

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